Benoit Fraikin
Benoit Fraikin
Lecturer of Computer Science, Université de Sherbrooke
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Comparison of model checking tools for information systems
M Frappier, B Fraikin, R Chossart, R Chane-Yack-Fa, M Ouenzar
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 12th International Conference on …, 2010
A standard ontology for smart spaces
B Abdulrazak, B Chikhaoui, C Gouin-Vallerand, B Fraikin
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 6 (3), 244-268, 2010
Extending statecharts with process algebra operators
M Frappier, F Gervais, R Laleau, B Fraikin, R St-Denis
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 4, 285-292, 2008
State-based versus event-based specifications for information systems: a comparison of B and eb3
B Fraikin, M Frappier, R Laleau
Software & Systems Modeling 4, 236-257, 2005
EB3PAI: an interpreter for the EB3 specification language
B Fraikin, M Frappier
Proc. 15th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and …, 2002
Algebraic state transition diagrams
M Frappier, F Gervais, R Laleau, B Fraikin
Université de Sherbrooke, Département d’informatique, Sherbrooke, Québec …, 2008
Pervasive safety application with model checking in smart houses: The INOVUS intelligent oven
T De Champs, M Ouenzar, B Abdulrazak, M Frappier, H Pigot, B Fraikin
2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2011
Efficient symbolic computation of process expressions
B Fraikin, M Frappier
Science of Computer Programming 74 (9), 723-753, 2009
Efficient symbolic execution of large quantifications in a process algebra
B Fraikin, M Frappier
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 9th International Conference on …, 2007
Interprétation efficace d'expression de processus E [indice] B [indice] ₃
B Fraikin
Library and Archives Canada= Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 2007
Synthesizing information systems: the apis project
B Fraikin, F Gervais, M Frappier, R Laleau, M Richard
First International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science …, 2007
Automatic production of information systems
M Frappier, B Fraikin, R Laleau, M Richard
AAAI Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis, 7, 2002
APIS-Automatic production of information systems
M Frappier, B Fraikin, R Laleau, M Richard
AAAI Spring Symposium, 17-24, 2002
iASTD: un interpréteur pour les ASTD
K Salabert, J Milhau, B Fraikin, M Frappier, F Gervais, R Laleau
Atelier Approches Formelles dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciels …, 2010
Using an ontology to derive a sharable and interoperable relational data model for heterogeneous healthcare data and various applications
C Khnaisser, L Lavoie, B Fraikin, A Barton, S Dussault, A Burgun, ...
Methods of Information in Medicine 61 (S 02), e73-e88, 2022
Supervisory control theory with Alloy
B Fraikin, M Frappier, R St-Denis
Science of Computer Programming 94, 217-237, 2014
Efficient execution of process expressions using symbolic interpretation
B Fraikin, M Frappier
Rapport technique 8, 2005
Automatic generation of error messages for the symbolic execution of eb3 process expressions
J Milhau, B Fraikin, M Frappier
Integrated Formal Methods: 7th International Conference, IFM 2009 …, 2009
Synthesizing Information Systems: the APIS Project.
M Frappier, B Fraikin, F Gervais, R Laleau, M Richard
RCIS, 73-84, 2007
Modeling the Supervisory Control Theory with Alloy
B Fraikin, M Frappier, R St-Denis
International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM, and Z …, 2012
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Articles 1–20