Amal Zouaq
Amal Zouaq
Full Professor, FRQS (dual) Chair in AI / Digital Health, MILA associate academic member
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Cited by
“Choose your classmates, your GPA is at stake!” The association of cross-class social ties and academic performance
D Gašević, A Zouaq, R Janzen
American Behavioral Scientist 57 (10), 1460-1479, 2013
Building domain ontologies from text for educational purposes
A Zouaq, R Nkambou
IEEE Transactions on learning technologies 1 (1), 49-62, 2008
Evaluating the generation of domain ontologies in the knowledge puzzle project
A Zouaq, R Nkambou
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 21 (11), 1559-1572, 2009
Towards open ontology learning and filtering
A Zouaq, D Gasevic, M Hatala
Information Systems 36 (7), 1064-1081, 2011
A survey of domain ontology engineering: Methods and tools
A Zouaq, R Nkambou
Advances in intelligent tutoring systems, 103-119, 2010
An integrated approach for automatic aggregation of learning knowledge objects
A Zouaq, R Nkambou, C Frasson
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 3 (1), 135-162, 2007
What do cMOOC participants talk about in social media? A topic analysis of discourse in a cMOOC
S Joksimović, V Kovanović, J Jovanović, A Zouaq, D Gašević, M Hatala
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on learning analytics and …, 2015
Ontology matching using convolutional neural networks
A Bento, A Zouaq, M Gagnon
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Using BERT and XLNET for the Automatic Short Answer Grading Task.
MC Ghavidel, Hadi Abdi, Zouaq, Amal and Desmarais
CSEDU, 58--67, 2020
Shallow and Deep Natural Language Processing for Ontology Learning: a Quick Overview
A Zouaq,%20Workshops,%20Books …, 2010
Enhancing learning objects with an ontology-based memory
A Zouaq, R Nkambou
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 21 (6), 881-893, 2009
MLMLM: Link prediction with mean likelihood masked language model
L Clouâtre, P Trempe, A Zouaq, S Chandar
ACL/IJCNLP (Findings) 2021, 4321-4331, 2021
An Approach to Folksonomy-based Ontology Maintenance for Learning Environments
D Gašević, A Zouaq, C Torniai, J Jovanović, M Hatala
Linguistic Patterns for Information Extraction in OntoCmaps.
A Zouaq, D Gasevic, M Hatala
WOP 929, 2012
Comprehensive analysis of discussion forum participation: From speech acts to discussion dynamics and course outcomes
S Joksimović, J Jovanović, V Kovanović, D Gašević, N Milikić, A Zouaq, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 13 (1), 38-51, 2019
Semantic analysis using dependency-based grammars and upper-level ontologies.
A Zouaq, M Gagnon, B Ozell
Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Appl. 1 (1-2), 85-101, 2010
Automatic construction of concept maps from texts
CZ Aguiar, D Cury, A Zouaq
Proceedings of the 7th International conference on concept mapping 2, 20-30, 2016
Using a competence model to aggregate learning knowledge objects
A Zouaq, R Nkambou, C Frasson
Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2007
An assessment of online semantic annotators for the keyword extraction task
L Jean-Louis, A Zouaq, M Gagnon, F Ensan
PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Pacific Rim …, 2014
Short answers to deep questions: supporting teachers in large‐class settings
J McDonald, RJ Bird, A Zouaq, ACM Moskal
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 33 (4), 306-319, 2017
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Articles 1–20