Athanasios Zacharopoulos
Athanasios Zacharopoulos
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Three-dimensional reconstruction of shape and piecewise constant region values for optical tomography using spherical harmonic parametrization and a boundary element method
AD Zacharopoulos, SR Arridge, O Dorn, V Kolehmainen, J Sikora
Inverse Problems 22 (5), 1509, 2006
Diffuse photon propagation in multilayered geometries
J Sikora, A Zacharopoulos, A Douiri, M Schweiger, L Horesh, SR Arridge, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 51 (3), 497, 2006
A matrix-free algorithm for multiple wavelength fluorescence tomography
AD Zacharopoulos, P Svenmarker, J Axelsson, M Schweiger, SR Arridge, ...
Optics express 17 (5), 3025-3035, 2009
Reconstructing absorption and diffusion shape profiles in optical tomography by a level set technique
M Schweiger, SR Arridge, O Dorn, A Zacharopoulos, V Kolehmainen
Optics letters 31 (4), 471-473, 2006
Micro-computed tomographic evaluation of canal transportation and centering ability of 4 heat-treated nickel-titanium systems
C Razcha, A Zacharopoulos, D Anestis, G Mikrogeorgis, G Zacharakis, ...
Journal of endodontics 46 (5), 675-681, 2020
A customized light sheet microscope to measure spatio-temporal protein dynamics in small model organisms
M Rieckher, I Kyparissidis-Kokkinidis, A Zacharopoulos, G Kourmoulakis, ...
PLoS one 10 (5), e0127869, 2015
Reconstruction of subdomain boundaries of piecewise constant coefficients of the radiative transfer equation from optical tomography data
SR Arridge, O Dorn, JP Kaipio, V Kolehmainen, M Schweiger, ...
Inverse Problems 22 (6), 2175, 2006
3D shape reconstruction in optical tomography using spherical harmonics and BEM
A Zacharopoulos, S Arridge, O Dorn, V Kolehmainen, J Sikora
Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications 20 (13), 1827-1836, 2006
3D shape based reconstruction of experimental data in diffuse optical tomography
A Zacharopoulos, M Schweiger, V Kolehmainen, S Arridge
Optics Express 17 (21), 18940-18956, 2009
3D level set reconstruction of model and experimental data in diffuse optical tomography
M Schweiger, O Dorn, A Zacharopoulos, I Nissilä, SR Arridge
Optics express 18 (1), 150-164, 2009
A method for the registration of spectral images of paintings and its evaluation
A Zacharopoulos, K Hatzigiannakis, P Karamaoynas, VM Papadakis, ...
Journal of Cultural Heritage 29, 10-18, 2018
Parameter and structure reconstruction in optical tomography
SR Arridge, O Dorn, V Kolehmainen, M Schweiger, A Zacharopoulos
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 135 (1), 012001, 2008
Fabrication and characterization of a 3-D non-homogeneous tissue-like mouse phantom for optical imaging
S Avtzi, A Zacharopoulos, S Psycharakis, G Zacharakis
Biophotonics—Riga 2013 9032, 23-28, 2013
The role of cerebral spinal fluid in light propagation through the mouse head: improving fluorescence tomography with Monte Carlo modeling
D Ancora, A Zacharopoulos, J Ripoll, G Zacharakis
Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IX 9700, 167-171, 2016
Light propagation through weakly scattering media. A study of Monte Carlo vs. diffusion theory with application to neuroimaging
D Ancora, A Zacharopoulos, J Ripoll, G Zacharakis
European Conference on Biomedical Optics, 95380G, 2015
Three-dimensional shape-based reconstructions in medical imaging
AD Zacharopoulos
PQDT-Global, 2005
Development of in-vivo fluorescence imaging with the Matrix-Free method
A Zacharopoulos, A Garofalakis, J Ripoll, S Arridge
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 255 (1), 012006, 2010
Demonstrating improved multiple transport‐mean‐free‐path imaging capabilities of light sheet microscopy in the quantification of fluorescence dynamics
M Rieckher, SE Psycharakis, D Ancora, E Liapis, A Zacharopoulos, ...
Biotechnology journal 13 (1), 1700419, 2018
Fluorescence diffusion in the presence of optically clear tissues in a mouse head model
D Ancora, A Zacharopoulos, J Ripoll, G Zacharakis
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36 (5), 1086-1093, 2016
Optical projection tomography via phase retrieval algorithms for hidden three dimensional imaging
D Ancora, D Di Battista, G Giasafaki, S Psycharakis, E Liapis, ...
Quantitative Phase Imaging III 10074, 84-90, 2017
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