Inés Nieto
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Cited by
The study of psychopathology from the network analysis perspective: A systematic review
A Contreras, I Nieto, C Valiente, R Espinosa, C Vazquez
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88 (2), 71-83, 2019
Relations between emotion regulation strategies and affect in daily life: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using ecological momentary assessments
T Boemo, I Nieto, C Vazquez, A Sanchez-Lopez
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 139, 104747, 2022
Self-reported cognitive biases in depression: a meta-analysis
I Nieto, E Robles, C Vazquez
Clinical Psychology Review 82, 101934, 2020
The quality of research on mental health related to the COVID-19 pandemic: A note of caution after a systematic review
I Nieto, JF Navas, C Vázquez
Brain, behavior, & immunity-health 7, 100123, 2020
El análisis de redes en psicopatología: conceptos y metodología
I Blanco, A Contreras, C Valiente, R Espinosa, I Nieto, C Vázquez
Behavioral Psychology= Psicología Conductual 27 (1), 87-106, 2019
Disentangling the mediating role of modifying interpretation bias on emotional distress using a novel cognitive bias modification program
I Nieto, C Vazquez
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 83, 102459, 2021
Attentional biases in dysphoria when happy and sad faces are simultaneously presented
I Blanco, N Poyato, I Nieto, T Boemo, T Pascual, P Roca, C Vazquez
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 65, 101499, 2019
Efficacy of mindfulness to regulate induced emotions in the laboratory: A systematic review and meta-analysis of self-report and biobehavioral measures
RM Zangri, CI Andreu, I Nieto, AM Gonzalez-Garzon, C Vazquez
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 143, 104957, 2022
The network structure of the VIA-120 inventory of strengths: an analysis of 1,255,248 respondents
G Diez, P Roca, I Nieto, RE McGrath, C Vázquez
The Journal of Positive Psychology 18 (6), 827-840, 2023
ˇRelearning how to think˘: A brief online intervention to modify biased interpretations in emotional disorders—study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
I Nieto, C Vazquez
Trials 22, 1-12, 2021
Emotional SNARC: emotional faces affect the impact of number magnitude on gaze patterns
I Blanco, I Nieto, C Vazquez
Psychological Research 85 (5), 1885-1893, 2021
The role of emotional memory in reappraising negative self-referent thoughts
I Nieto, EHW Koster, J Everaert
Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1-9, 2021
Consensus on a social return on investment model of physical activity and sport: a Delphi study protocol
I Nieto, X Mayo, L Davies, L Reece, BW Strafford, A Jimenez
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 6, 1334805, 2024
Striving for global consensus: a systematic review of social return on investment applied to physical activity and sport
I Nieto, X Mayo, L Davies, L Reece, B Strafford, A Jimenez
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 21 (12), 1246-1262, 2024
Network analysis and psychopathology: Concepts and methodology
I Blanco, A Contreras, C Valiente, R Espinosa, I Nieto, C Vazquez
Attentional biases towards emotional information in chronic pain: A multilevel meta-analysis of eye-tracking studies
E Robles, I Nieto, JF Navas, C Vázquez
Acta Psychologica 250, 104555, 2024
Social value framing of physical activity in European Member State policies: a content analysis
I Ritchie, I Nieto, M Brunn, X Mayo, A Jimenez
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 6, 1415007, 2024
Clasificación de los trastornos psicológicos: usos y limitaciones de los sistemas DSM y CIE y de nuevas alternativas (RDoC, HiTOP y análisis de redes)
C Vázquez, Á Sánchez-López, N Martín-Romero, I Nieto
Manual de psicopatología y trastornos psicológicos: adaptado al DSM-5-TR ya …, 2024
New approaches and alternatives to the traditional classification systems
I Nieto, J Everaert, C Vasquez
Clinical assessment with children and adolescents: New contributions to …, 2024
The quality of research on COVID-19 related mental health problems: Rapid review of the evidence
I Nieto, C Vazquez, JF NAVAS
OSF, 2020
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Articles 1–20