Seth E. Masket
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Cited by
A theory of political parties: Groups, policy demands and nominations in American politics
K Bawn, M Cohen, D Karol, S Masket, H Noel, J Zaller
Perspectives on Politics 10 (3), 571-597, 2012
No middle ground: How informal party organizations control nominations and polarize legislatures
S Masket
University of Michigan Press, 2009
Partisan webs: Information exchange and party networks
G Koger, S Masket, H Noel
British Journal of Political Science 39 (3), 633-653, 2009
A primary cause of partisanship? Nomination systems and legislator ideology
E McGhee, S Masket, B Shor, S Rogers, N McCarty
American Journal of Political Science 58 (2), 337-351, 2014
One vote out of step? The effects of salient roll call votes in the 2010 election
B Nyhan, E McGhee, J Sides, S Masket, S Greene
American Politics Research 40 (5), 844-879, 2012
Cooperative party factions in American politics
G Koger, S Masket, H Noel
American Politics Research 38 (1), 33-53, 2010
Ideological adaptation? The survival instinct of threatened legislators
T Kousser, JB Lewis, SE Masket
The Journal of Politics 69 (3), 828-843, 2007
Where you sit is where you stand: The impact of seating proximity on legislative cue-taking
SE Masket
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 3, 301-311, 2008
It takes an outsider: Extralegislative organization and partisanship in the California Assembly, 1849–2006
SE Masket
American Journal of Political Science 51 (3), 482-497, 2007
Did Obama’s ground game matter? The influence of local field offices during the 2008 presidential election
SE Masket
Public Opinion Quarterly 73 (5), 1023-1039, 2009
Polarized networks: The organizational affiliations of national party convention delegates
MT Heaney, SE Masket, JM Miller, DZ Strolovitch
American Behavioral Scientist 56 (12), 1654-1676, 2012
527 Committees and the political party network
RM Skinner, SE Masket, DA Dulio
American Politics Research 40 (1), 60-84, 2012
The gerrymanderers are coming! Legislative redistricting won't affect competition or polarization much, no matter who does it
SE Masket, J Winburn, GC Wright
PS: Political Science & Politics 45 (1), 39-43, 2012
Serving two masters: Using referenda to assess partisan versus dyadic legislative representation
SE Masket, H Noel
Political Research Quarterly 65 (1), 104-123, 2012
The inevitable party: Why attempts to kill the party system fail and how they weaken democracy
S Masket
Oxford University Press, 2016
Polarization without parties: Term limits and legislative partisanship in Nebraska’s unicameral legislature
S Masket, B Shor
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15 (1), 67-90, 2015
Kingmakers or cheerleaders? Party power and the causal effects of endorsements
T Kousser, S Lucas, S Masket, E McGhee
Political Research Quarterly 68 (3), 443-456, 2015
Learning from loss: The democrats, 2016–2020
S Masket
Cambridge University Press, 2020
A return to normalcy? Revisiting the effects of term limits on competitiveness and spending in California assembly elections
SE Masket, JB Lewis
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 7 (1), 20-38, 2007
Gender attitudes, gendered partisanship: Feminism and support for Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton among party activists
EA Sharrow, DZ Strolovitch, MT Heaney, SE Masket, JM Miller
Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 37 (4), 394-416, 2016
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Articles 1–20