Luis Jorge Enrique Rivero Cabrejos
Luis Jorge Enrique Rivero Cabrejos
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A systematic mapping study on research contributions on UX evaluation technologies
L Rivero, T Conte
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian symposium on human factors in computing …, 2017
Are scale-based techniques enough for learners to convey their UX when using a Learning Management System?
WT Nakamura, LC Marques, L Rivero, EHT de Oliveira, T Conte
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 27 (1), 104-131, 2019
UsabiliCity: um jogo de apoio ao ensino de propriedades de usabilidade de software através de analogias
BM Ferreira, L Rivero, A Lopes, AB Marques, T Conte
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2014
Using an empirical study to evaluate the feasibility of a new usability inspection technique for paper based prototypes of web applications
L Rivero, T Conte
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 1, 1-25, 2013
Are generic UX evaluation techniques enough? A study on the UX evaluation of the edmodo learning management system
W Nakamura, L Marques, L Rivero, E Oliveira, T Conte
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2017
Characterizing usability inspection methods through the analysis of a systematic mapping study extension
L Rivero, R Barreto, T Conte
CLEI Electronic Journal 16 (1), 12-12, 2013
An empirical study to evaluate the feasibility of a UX and usability inspection technique for mobile applications
I Nascimento, W Silva, A Lopes, L Rivero, B Gadelha, E Oliveira, T Conte
28th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge …, 2016
EmpathyAut: an empathy map for people with autism
ÁHS Melo, L Rivero, JS Santos, RS Barreto
Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Searching for preferences of autistic children to support the design of user interfaces
A Melo, J Santos, L Rivero, R Barreto
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2017
Do Scale Type Techniques Identify Problems that Affect User eXperience?
L Marques, W Nakamura, N Valentim, L Rivero, T Conte
Proceedings of the the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Developing an inspection checklist for the adequacy assessment of software systems to quality attributes of the brazilian general data protection law: An initial proposal
J Mendes, D Viana, L Rivero
Proceedings of the XXXV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 263-268, 2021
PersonAut: a personas model for people with autism spectrum disorder.
ÁH da Silva Melo, L Rivero, JS dos Santos, R da Silva Barreto
IHC, 54:1-54:6, 2020
Risking: A game for teaching risk management in software projects
S Santos, F Carvalho, Y Costa, D Viana, L Rivero
Proceedings of the xviii brazilian symposium on software quality, 188-197, 2019
Using a controlled experiment to evaluate usability inspection technologies for improving the quality of mobile web applications earlier in their design
L Rivero, G Kawakami, TU Conte
2014 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 161-170, 2014
Avaliando a viabilidade do blackbox em sala de aula: Um jogo sério para ensino de teste funcional de software
N Araujo, R Machado, D Viana, L Rivero
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2017
Evaluating the use of pair programming and coding dojo in teaching mockups development: An empirical study
B Estácio, N Valentim, L Rivero, T Conte, R Prikladnicki
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5084-5093, 2015
Apoiando o Ensino de Qualidade de Software
B Ferreira, L Rivero, A Lopes, AB Marques, T Conte
Developing a set of design patterns specific for the design of user interfaces for autistic users
D Gomes, N Pinto, A Melo, I Maia, A Paiva, R Barreto, D Viana, L Rivero
Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2021
Um relato de experiencia da adaptacao de um evento académico presencial para o contexto virtual em tempos de pandemia
L Rivero, C Salles, T Bonini, S Costa, M Meireles
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 28, 934-955, 2020
Avaliando um Jogo Educacional para o Ensino de Inteligência Artificial-Qual Metodologia para Avaliação Escolher?
T Lima, A Barradas Filho, AK Barros, D Viana, JBB Junior, L Rivero
Anais do XXVIII Workshop sobre Educaçao em Computaçao, 66-70, 2020
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Articles 1–20