Patricia R. DeLucia
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Pictorial and motion-based information for depth perception.
PR DeLucia
Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 17 (3), 738, 1991
Performance in nursing
PR DeLucia, TE Ott, PA Palmieri
Reviews of human factors and ergonomics 5 (1), 1-40, 2009
Cognitive motion extrapolation and cognitive clocking in prediction motion tasks.
PR DeLucia, GW Liddell
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 24 (3), 901, 1998
Pictorial and motion-based depth information during active control of self-motion: size-arrival effects on collision avoidance.
PR DeLucia, R Warren
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 20 (4), 783, 1994
Driver vigilance in automated vehicles: Hazard detection failures are a matter of time
ET Greenlee, PR DeLucia, DC Newton
Human factors 60 (4), 465-476, 2018
Judgments about collision in younger and older drivers
PR DeLucia, MK Bleckley, LE Meyer, JM Bush
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 6 (1), 63-80, 2003
Information integration in judgements of time to contact
P DeLucia, M Kaiser, J Bush, L Meyer, B Sweet
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 56 (7), 1165-1189, 2003
A systematic review and meta-analysis of takeover performance during conditionally automated driving
BW Weaver, PR DeLucia
Human factors 64 (7), 1227-1260, 2022
Judgments of relative time-to-contact of more than two approaching objects: Toward a method
PR Delucia, JB Novak
Perception & Psychophysics 59, 913-928, 1997
Effects of size on collision perception and implications for perceptual theory and transportation safety
PR DeLucia
Current directions in psychological science 22 (3), 199-204, 2013
The anatomy and physiology of error in adverse health care events
PA Palmieri, PR DeLucia, LT Peterson, TE Ott, A Green
Patient safety and health care management, 33-68, 2008
Multiple sources of information influence time-to-contact judgments: Do heuristics accommodate limits in sensory and cognitive processes?
PR DeLucia
Advances in psychology 135, 243-285, 2004
Effects of oncoming vehicle size on overtaking judgments
SJ Levulis, PR DeLucia, J Jupe
Accident Analysis & Prevention 82, 163-170, 2015
Threatening pictures induce shortened time-to-contact estimates
E Brendel, PR DeLucia, H Hecht, RL Stacy, JT Larsen
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 979-987, 2012
Geometrical illusions in solid objects under ordinary viewing conditions
PR DeLucia, J Hochberg
Perception & Psychophysics 50 (6), 547-554, 1991
Lifting Motions During Patient Repositioning in Novice and Experienced Nurses: A Pilot Study
A Holmes, J Opella, A Cloutier, J Yang, PR DeLucia
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
Does binocular disparity or familiar size information override effects of relative size on judgements of time to contact?
PR DeLucia
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 58 (5), 865-886, 2005
Critical roles for distance, task, and motion in space perception: Initial conceptual framework and practical implications
PR DeLucia
Human Factors 50 (5), 811-820, 2008
Audiovisual integration of time-to-contact information for approaching objects
PR DeLucia, D Preddy, D Oberfeld
Multisensory Research 29 (4-5), 365-395, 2016
Effects of touch, voice, and multimodal input, and task load on multiple-UAV monitoring performance during simulated manned-unmanned teaming in a military helicopter
SJ Levulis, PR DeLucia, SY Kim
Human factors 60 (8), 1117-1129, 2018
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