Alain Zemkoho
Alain Zemkoho
Άλλα ονόματαAlain B. Zemkoho, A.B. Zemkoho, A. Zemkoho
Full professor of mathematical optimization at University of Southampton
Η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου έχει επαληθευτεί στον τομέα soton.ac.uk - Αρχική σελίδα
Παρατίθεται από
Παρατίθεται από
Bilevel optimization
S Dempe, A Zemkoho
Springer Optimization and its Applications. Vol. 161, 2020
The bilevel programming problem: reformulations, constraint qualifications and optimality conditions
S Dempe, AB Zemkoho
Mathematical Programming 138 (1-2), 447-473, 2013
Necessary optimality conditions in pessimistic bilevel programming
S Dempe, BS Mordukhovich, AB Zemkoho
Optimization 63 (4), 505--533, 2014
On the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker reformulation of the bilevel optimization problem
S Dempe, AB Zemkoho
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 75 (3), 1202-1218, 2012
The generalized Mangasarian-Fromowitz constraint qualification and optimality conditions for bilevel programs
S Dempe, AB Zemkoho
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 148 (1), 46-68, 2011
Sensitivity analysis for two-level value functions with applications to bilevel programming
S Dempe, BS Morduchovich, AB Zemkoho
SIAM Journal on Optimization 22 (4), 1309-1343, 2012
New optimality conditions for the semivectorial bilevel optimization problem
S Dempe, N Gadhi, AB Zemkoho
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 157 (1), 54–74, 2013
An inertial extrapolation method for convex simple bilevel optimization
Y Shehu, PT Vuong, A Zemkoho
Optimization Methods and Software 36 (1), 1-19, 2021
Bilevel road pricing: theoretical analysis and optimality conditions
S Dempe, AB Zemkoho
Annals of Operations Research 196 (1), 223–240, 2012
KKT reformulation and necessary conditions for optimality in nonsmooth bilevel optimization
S Dempe, AB Zemkoho
SIAM Journal on Optimization 24 (4), 1639-1669, 2014
Solving ill-posed bilevel programs
AB Zemkoho
Set-valued and Variational Analysis 24 (3), 423-448, 2016
BOLIB: Bilevel Optimization LIBrary of test problems
S Zhou, AB Zemkoho, A Tin
Bilevel Optimization: Advances and Next Challenges, 563-580, 2020
Theoretical and numerical comparison of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker and value function reformulations in bilevel optimization
A Zemkoho, S Zhou
Computational Optimization and Applications 78 (2), 625–674, 2021
Bilevel programming: reformulations, regularity, and stationarity
AB Zemkoho
Thesis, Freiberg, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2012, 2012
Semismooth Newton-type method for bilevel optimization: global convergence and extensive numerical experiments
A Fischer, AB Zemkoho, S Zhou
Optimization Methods and Software 37 (5), 1770-1804, 2022
A note on partial calmness for bilevel optimization problems with linearly structured lower level
P Mehlitz, LI Minchenko, AB Zemkoho
Optimization Letters 15 (4), 1277-1291, 2021
Two-level value function approach to non-smooth optimistic and pessimistic bilevel programs
S Dempe, BS Mordukhovich, AB Zemkoho
Optimization 68 (2-3), 433-455, 2019
Gauss-Newton-type methods for bilevel optimization
J Fliege, A Tin, A Zemkoho
Computational Optimization and Applications 78, 793–824, 2021
Deep learning methods for screening patients' S-ICD implantation eligibility
AJ Dunn, MH ElRefai, PR Roberts, S Coniglio, BM Wiles, AB Zemkoho
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 119, 102139, 2021
Sufficient optimality conditions in bilevel programming
P Mehlitz, AB Zemkoho
Mathematics of Operations Research 46 (4), 1573-1598, 2021
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