Tomasz Kuśmierczyk
Cited by
Cited by
Temporality in online food recipe consumption and production
T Kusmierczyk, C Trattner, K Nørvåg
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web, 55-56, 2015
Plate and prejudice: Gender differences in online cooking
M Rokicki, E Herder, T Kuśmierczyk, C Trattner
Proceedings of the 2016 conference on user modeling adaptation and …, 2016
Understanding and predicting online food recipe production patterns
T Kusmierczyk, C Trattner, K Nørvåg
Proceedings of the 27th ACM conference on hypertext and social media, 243-248, 2016
Variational Bayesian Decision-making for Continuous Utilities
T Kuśmierczyk, J Sakaya, A Klami
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019), 2019
On the causal effect of badges
T Kusmierczyk, M Gomez-Rodriguez
Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference, 659-668, 2018
Temporal patterns in online food innovation
T Kusmierczyk, C Trattner, K Nørvåg
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web, 1345-1350, 2015
Online food recipe title semantics: Combining nutrient facts and topics
T Kusmierczyk, K Nørvåg
Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and …, 2016
Investigating and predicting online food recipe upload behavior
C Trattner, T Kusmierczyk, K Nørvåg
Information Processing & Management 56 (3), 654-673, 2019
Computational approach to dendritic spine taxonomy and shape transition analysis
G Bokota, M Magnowska, T Kuśmierczyk, M Łukasik, M Roszkowska, ...
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10, 140, 2016
Hierarchical, multi-label classification of scholarly publications: modifications of ML-KNN algorithm
M Łukasik, T Kuśmierczyk, Ł Bolikowski, HS Nguyen
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: Advanced …, 2013
Correcting predictions for approximate bayesian inference
T Kuśmierczyk, J Sakaya, A Klami
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 4511-4518, 2020
Prior Specification for Bayesian Matrix Factorization via Prior Predictive Matching
ES da Silva, T Kuśmierczyk, M Hartmann, A Klami
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (67), 1-51, 2023
Application of ant-colony optimisation to compute diversified entity summarisation on semantic knowledge graphs
W Kosiński, T Kuśmierczyk, P Rembelski, M Sydow
2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 69-76, 2013
FOODWEB-studying food consumption and production patterns on the web
C Trattner, T Kusmierczyk, K Nørvåg
ERCIM News 2016 (104), 2016
Uplift modeling with high class imbalance
O Nyberg, T Kuśmierczyk, A Klami
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 315-330, 2021
Towards a keyword-focused web crawler
T Kuśmierczyk, M Sydow
Language Processing and Intelligent Information Systems: 20th International …, 2013
Comparing hierarchical mathematical document clustering against the Mathematics Subject Classification tree
T Kuśmierczyk, M Łukasik, Ł Bolikowski, HS Nguyen
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: Advanced …, 2013
Hypernetwork approach to Bayesian maml
P Borycki, P Kubacki, M Przewięźlikowski, T Kuśmierczyk, J Tabor, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02796, 2022
Reliable Categorical Variational Inference with Mixture of Discrete Normalizing Flows
T Kuśmierczyk, A Klami
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.15568, 2020
Mining correlations on massive bursty time series collections
T Kusmierczyk, K Nørvåg
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 20th International Conference …, 2015
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Articles 1–20