David Mott
Cited by
Cited by
An experimental very high resolution tactile sensor array
DH Mott
Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Robot Vision Sensory Controls, 241-250, 1984
Integrating hard and soft information sources for D2D using controlled natural language
A Preece, D Pizzocaro, D Braines, D Mott, G De Mel, T Pham
2012 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1330-1337, 2012
Summary of controlled english
D Mott
ITACS, https://www. usukitacs. com, 2010
Shared understanding within military coalitions: A definition and review of research challenges
PR Smart, D Mott, K Sycara, D Braines, M Strub, NR Shadbolt
Controlled english to facilitate human/machine analytical processing
D Braines, D Mott, S Laws, G De Mel, T Pham
Next-Generation Analyst 8758, 44-56, 2013
'Hybrid Rationale for Shared Understanding
D Mott, C Giammanco, MC Dorneich, D Braines
The Fourth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance …, 2010
Information extraction using controlled english to support knowledge-sharing and decision-making
P Xue, D Mott, D Braines, S Poteet, A Kao, C Giammanco, T Pham, ...
17th ICCRTS “Operationalizing C2 Agility.”, Fairfax VA, USA, 2012
Constraint‐based reasoning for generating naval flying programmes
DH Mott, J Cunningham, G Kelleher, JA Gadsden
Expert systems 5 (3), 226-246, 1988
Towards an understanding of shared understanding in military coalition contexts
PR Smart, TD Huynh, D Mott, K Sycara, D Braines, M Strub, W Sieck, ...
Summary of ITA controlled english
D Mott
ITA Technical Paper, http://www. usukita. org, 2010
Layered controlled natural languages
D Mott, J Hendler
3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA), 2009
A framework for supporting human military planning
JA Allen, D Mott, A Bahrami, J Yuan, C Giammanco, J Patel
Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International Technology …, 2008
CE-SAM: A conversational interface for ISR mission support
D Pizzocaro, C Parizas, A Preece, D Braines, D Mott, JZ Bakdash
Next-Generation Analyst 8758, 168-182, 2013
Progress on the collaborative planning model
D Mott, J Hendler
1st Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA …, 2007
Tasking and sharing sensing assets using controlled natural language
A Preece, D Pizzocaro, D Braines, D Mott
Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for …, 2012
Collaborative and context-aware planning
A Bahrani, J Yuan, CD Emele, D Masato, TJ Norman, D Mott
MILCOM 2008-2008 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1-7, 2008
Automatic change detection in spaceborne SAR imagery
DG Corr, SW Whitehouse, DH Mott, JF Baldwin
Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery III 2757, 58-69, 1996
Controlled Natural Language to facilitate information extraction
D Mott, D Braines, S Poteet, A Kao, P Xue
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the International Technology …, 2012
Improving coalition planning by making plans alive
J Patel, MC Dorneich, D Mott, A Bahrami, C Giammanco
IEEE intelligent systems 28 (1), 17-25, 2012
Making Plans Alive
J Patel, MC Dorneich, D Mott, A Bahrami, C Giammanco
The 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance. London …, 2010
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Articles 1–20