GIS-based comparative assessment of flood susceptibility mapping using hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach, naïve Bayes tree, bivariate statistics and logistic … SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham, M Vojtek, J Vojteková, R Costache, NTT Linh, ... Ecological Indicators 117, 106620, 2020 | 294 | 2020 |
Application of SAW, TOPSIS and fuzzy TOPSIS models in cultivation priority planning for maize, rapeseed and soybean crops FS Javad Seyedmohammadi, Fereydoon Sarmadian, Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh ... GEODERMA 310, 178-190, 2017 | 237* | 2017 |
A comparative study of artificial neural network (MLP, RBF) and support vector machine models for river flow prediction MA Ghorbani, HA Zadeh, M Isazadeh, O Terzi Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-14, 2016 | 209 | 2016 |
GIS-based landslide susceptibility modeling: A comparison between fuzzy multi-criteria and machine learning algorithms SA Ali, F Parvin, J Vojteková, R Costache, NTT Linh, QB Pham, M Vojtek, ... Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2), 857-876, 2021 | 198 | 2021 |
Sea water level forecasting using genetic programming and comparing the performance with artificial neural networks MA Ghorbani, R Khatibi, A Aytek, O Makarynskyy, J Shiri Computers & geosciences 36 (5), 620-627, 2010 | 187 | 2010 |
Pan evaporation prediction using a hybrid multilayer perceptron-firefly algorithm (MLP-FFA) model: case study in North Iran MA Ghorbani, RC Deo, ZM Yaseen, M H. Kashani, B Mohammadi Theoretical and applied climatology 133, 1119-1131, 2018 | 182 | 2018 |
Application of firefly algorithm-based support vector machines for prediction of field capacity and permanent wilting point MA Ghorbani, S Shamshirband, DZ Haghi, A Azani, H Bonakdari, ... Soil and Tillage Research 172, 32-38, 2017 | 151 | 2017 |
A hybrid support vector regression–firefly model for monthly rainfall forecasting A Danandeh Mehr, V Nourani, V Karimi Khosrowshahi, MA Ghorbani International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16, 335-346, 2019 | 147 | 2019 |
Multi-layer perceptron hybrid model integrated with the firefly optimizer algorithm for windspeed prediction of target site using a limited set of neighboring reference station … RC Deo, MA Ghorbani, S Samadianfard, T Maraseni, M Bilgili, M Biazar Renewable energy 116, 309-323, 2018 | 146 | 2018 |
Implementation of a hybrid MLP-FFA model for water level prediction of Lake Egirdir, Turkey OT MA Ghorbani, Ravinesh C. Deo, Vahid Karimi, Zaher Mundher Yaseen Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2017 | 139* | 2017 |
Investigating chaos in river stage and discharge time series R Khatibi, B Sivakumar, MA Ghorbani, O Kisi, K Koçak, DF Zadeh Journal of Hydrology 414, 108-117, 2012 | 137 | 2012 |
Uncertainty assessment of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network model with implementation of the novel hybrid MLP-FFA method for prediction of biochemical oxygen … B Raheli, MT Aalami, A El-Shafie, MA Ghorbani, RC Deo Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-16, 2017 | 124 | 2017 |
Modeling monthly pan evaporation process over the Indian central Himalayas: application of multiple learning artificial intelligence model A Malik, A Kumar, S Kim, MH Kashani, V Karimi, A Sharafati, MA Ghorbani, ... Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 14 (1), 323-338, 2020 | 113 | 2020 |
Estimating daily pan evaporation from climatic data of the State of Illinois, USA using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and artificial neural network (ANN) J Shiri, W Dierickx, A Pour-Ali Baba, S Neamati, MA Ghorbani Hydrology Research 42 (6), 491-502, 2011 | 104 | 2011 |
A probe into the chaotic nature of daily streamflow time series by correlation dimension and largest Lyapunov methods MA Ghorbani, O Kisi, M Aalinezhad Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (12), 4050-4057, 2010 | 102 | 2010 |
Dew point temperature estimation: application of artificial intelligence model integrated with nature-inspired optimization algorithms SR Naganna, PC Deka, MA Ghorbani, SM Biazar, N Al-Ansari, ... Water 11 (4), 742, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
A novel approach to predict CO2 emission in the agriculture sector of Iran based on Inclusive Multiple Model E Shabani, B Hayati, E Pishbahar, MA Ghorbani, M Ghahremanzadeh Journal of Cleaner Production 279, 123708, 2021 | 93 | 2021 |
Comparison of three artificial intelligence techniques for discharge routing R Khatibi, MA Ghorbani, MH Kashani, O Kisi Journal of hydrology 403 (3-4), 201-212, 2011 | 93 | 2011 |
Modeling river discharge time series using support vector machine and artificial neural networks MA Ghorbani, R Khatibi, A Goel, MH FazeliFard, A Azani Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-13, 2016 | 87 | 2016 |
Relative importance of parameters affecting wind speed prediction using artificial neural networks MA Ghorbani, R Khatibi, B Hosseini, M Bilgili Theoretical and Applied Climatology 114, 107-114, 2013 | 85 | 2013 |