Ángel-Luis García-Fernández
Ángel-Luis García-Fernández
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Cited by
Semiautomatic detection of floor topology from CAD architectural drawings
B Domínguez, ÁL García, FR Feito
Computer-Aided Design 44 (5), 367-378, 2012
Intelligent multi-dose medication controller for fever: From wearable devices to remote dispensers
J Medina, M Espinilla, ÁL García-Fernández, L Martínez
Computers & Electrical Engineering 65, 400-412, 2018
Fuzzy intelligent system for patients with preeclampsia in wearable devices
M Espinilla, J Medina, ÁL García-Fernández, S Campaña, J Londoño
Mobile Information Systems 2017 (1), 7838464, 2017
Using flipped classroom and peer instruction methodologies to improve introductory computer programming courses
J Ruiz de Miras, JR Balsas-Almagro, ÁL García-Fernández
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 2021, 1-13, 2021
A comprehensive framework for modeling heterogeneous objects
F Conde-Rodríguez, JC Torres, ÁL García-Fernández, ...
The Visual Computer 33, 17-31, 2017
Semantic and Topological Representation of Building Indoors: An Overview
B Domínguez-Martin, ÁL García-Fernández, FR Feito-Higueruela
Preceedings of the Joint ISPRS Workshop on 3D City Modelling & Allpications …, 2011
A GPU-Based Framework for Generating Implicit Datasets of Voxelized Polygonal Models for the Training of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
CJ Ogayar-Anguita, AJ Rueda-Ruiz, RJ Segura-Sánchez, M Díaz-Medina, ...
IEEE Access 8, 12675-12687, 2020
Free-form solid modelling based on extended simplicial chains using triangular Bézier patches
ÁL Garcı́a, JR De Miras, FR Fieto
Computers & Graphics 27 (1), 27-39, 2003
Deferred boundary evaluation of complex CSG models
CJ Ogáyar-Anguita, ÁL García-Fernández, FR Feito-Higueruela, ...
Advances in Engineering Software 85, 51-60, 2015
¿ Usamos el diccionario?: Plataforma de autoaprendizaje para Lengua Española
MÁM Moreno, NMC Izquierdo, MT Martínez, ÁLG Fernández
¿ Usamos el diccionario?: Plataforma de autoaprendizaje para Lengua Española, 2013
Point in solid test for free-form solids defined with triangular Bézier patches
ÁL García, JR de Miras, FR Feito
The Visual Computer 20 (5), 298-313, 2004
Integrated and interactive 4D system for archaeological stratigraphy
LM Ortega-Alvarado, ÁL García-Fernández, F Conde-Rodríguez, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (10), 203, 2022
Evaluation of Boolean operations between free-form solids using extended simplicial chains and PN triangles
ÁL García, JR de Miras, FR Feito
The Visual Computer 27 (6), 531-541, 2011
Modelling Material Microstructure Using the Perlin Noise Function
F Conde‐Rodríguez, ÁL García‐Fernández, JC Torres
Computer Graphics Forum 40 (1), 195-208, 2021
Developing a flexible web-based system for documenting archaeological excavations
ÁL García-Fernández, A Molina-Aguilar, CJ Ogáyar-Anguita, ...
2015 Digital Heritage 2, 745-746, 2015
An open source approach to semiautomatic 3D scene generation for interactive indoor navigation environments
B Domınguez, ÁL Garcıa, FR Feito
Proceedings of IV ibero-American symposium on computer graphics, 131-138, 2009
Modeling the Internal Architecture of Composites
F Conde-Rodríguez, ÁL García-Fernández, JC Torres
Computer-Aided Design 129, 102930, 2020
Control of real time GPS data to analyze the erosion in an olive farm
MI Ramos, AL García, MS Garrido, FR Feito, AJ Gil
Proceeding of the 2nd European Conference of Control ECC 11, 19-23, 2011
Heterogeneous Object Modeling
F Conde-Rodríguez, JC Torres-Cantero, ÁL García-Fernández, ...
CGI 2015, 2015
Semantic and topological representation of building interiors-an overview
B Domínguez, ÁL García, FR Feito
International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2, 169-174, 2012
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Articles 1–20