Milena Droumeva
Milena Droumeva
Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University
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What the body knows: Exploring the benefits of embodied metaphors in hybrid physical digital environments
AN Antle, G Corness, M Droumeva
Interacting with Computers 21 (1-2), 66-75, 2009
Playing with the sound maker: do embodied metaphors help children learn?
AN Antle, M Droumeva, G Corness
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Interaction design and …, 2008
Hands on what? Comparing children's mouse-based and tangible-based interaction
AN Antle, M Droumeva, D Ha
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on interaction design and …, 2009
Exploring media literacy and computational thinking: A game maker curriculum study
J Jenson, M Droumeva
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 14 (2), pp111‑121-pp111‑121, 2016
Human-computer-intuition? Exploring the cognitive basis for intuition in embodied interaction
AN Antle, G Corness, M Droumeva
International Journal of Arts and Technology 2 (3), 235-254, 2009
Designing to support reasoned imagination through embodied metaphor
AN Antle, G Corness, S Bakker, M Droumeva, E Van Den Hoven, ...
Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, 275-284, 2009
An ambient intelligence platform for physical play
R Wakkary, M Hatala, R Lovell, M Droumeva
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia …, 2005
Soundmapping as critical cartography: Engaging publics in listening to the environment
M Droumeva
Communication and the Public 2 (4), 335-351, 2017
Revisiting the media generation: Youth media use and computational literacy instruction
J Jenson, M Droumeva
E-learning and digital media 14 (4), 212-225, 2017
Making sense of group interaction in an ambient intelligent environment for physical play
R Wakkary, M Hatala, Y Jiang, M Droumeva, M Hosseini
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2008
Sound, media, ecology
M Droumeva, R Jordan
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
So you think you can play: An exploratory study of music video games
J Jenson, S De Castell, R Muehrer, M Droumeva
Journal of Music, Technology & Education 9 (3), 273-288, 2016
Curating everyday life: Approaches to documenting everyday soundscapes
M Droumeva
M/C Journal 18 (4), 2015
Understanding immersive audio: a historical and socio-cultural exploration of auditory displays
M Droumeva
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005
Exploring ambient sound techniques in the design of responsive environments for children
M Droumeva, A Antle, R Wakkary
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2007
An acoustic communication framework for game sound: Fidelity, verisimilitude, ecology
M Droumeva
Game sound technology and player interaction: Concepts and developments, 131-152, 2011
Toward a cultural phenomenology of mediated aural practices
M Droumeva, V Andrisani
Interference: A Journal of Audio Culture 1, 1-16, 2011
Interactive audio content: The use of audio for a dynamic museum experience through augmented audio reality and adaptive information retrieval
R Wakkary, K Newby, M Hatala, D Evernden, M Droumeva
Museums and the Web 2004: Selected Papers from an International Conference …, 2004
Curating aural experience: a sonic ethnography of everyday media practices
M Droumeva
Interference: A Journal of Aural Culture 5, 72-88, 2016
The role of participatory workshops in investigating narrative and sound ecologies in the design of an ambient intelligence audio display
M Droumeva, R Wakkary
ICAD 2006-12th International Conference on Auditory Displays, 2006
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Articles 1–20