Jan Brzozowski
Cited by
Cited by
Transnational ties and performance of immigrant entrepreneurs: the role of home-country conditions
J Brzozowski, M Cucculelli, A Surdej
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 26 (7-8), 546-573, 2014
The determinants of transnational entrepreneurship and transnational ties’ dynamics among immigrant entrepreneurs in ICT sector in Italy
J Brzozowski, M Cucculelli, A Surdej
International Migration 55 (3), 105-125, 2017
Migração internacional e desenvolvimento econômico
J Brzozowski
Estudos avançados 26, 137-156, 2012
Immigrant entrepreneurship and economic adaptation: A critical analysis
J Brzozowski
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 5 (2), 159-176, 2017
Migration and development at home: Bitter or sweet return? Evidence from Poland
ND Coniglio, J Brzozowski
European Urban and Regional Studies, 25(1), 85-105 25 (1), 85-105, 2018
Determinants of self-employment among Polish and Romanian immigrants in Germany
M Szarucki, J Brzozowski, J Stankevičienė
Journal of Business Economics and Management 17 (4), 598-612, 2016
Analiza procesu integracji imigrantów w Małopolsce
J Brzozowski, K Pędziwiatr
Imigranci w Małopolsce. Między integracją, asymilacją, separacją …, 2014
Entrepreneurs from recent migrant communities and their business sustainability
M Zubair, J Brzozowski
Sociologica 12 (2), 57-72, 2018
Proactive and reactive attitude to crisis: evidence from European firms
J Brzozowski, M Cucculelli
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 4 (1), 181-191, 2016
International migration and the (un) happiness push: Evidence from Polish longitudinal data
J Brzozowski, N Coniglio
International Migration Review 55 (4), 1089-1120, 2021
Transnational ties and performance of immigrant firms: evidence from Central Italy
J Brzozowski, M Cucculelli
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 26 (8), 1787-1806, 2020
The impact of self-employment on the economic integration of immigrants: Evidence from Germany
J Brzozowski, A Lasek
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation 15 (2), 11-28, 2019
Entrepreneurship and economic integration of immigrants: A critical review of literature
J Brzozowski
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 23 (6 …, 2019
Brain drain or brain gain? The new economics of brain drain reconsidered
J Brzozowski
The New Economics of Brain Drain Reconsidered (October 22, 2008), 2008
Exploring transnational entrepreneurship. Immigrant entrepreneurs and foreign-born returnees in the Italian ICT sector
J Brzozowski, M Cucculelli, A Surdej
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 31 (5), 413-431, 2019
Ekonomiczne teorie migracji międzynarodowych
J Brzozowski
Zeszyty Naukowe, 55-73, 2011
Brain waste, educational investments and growth in transitional countries
J Brzozowski
J. Novosak, ON SOME MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES, University of Ostrava, 2008
Społeczne skutki poakcesyjnych migracji ludności polski: raport komitetu badań nad migracjami polskiej akademii nauk
M Anacka, J Brzozowski, H Chałupczak, A Fihel, G Firlit-Fesnak, ...
High self-selection of Ukrainian refugees into Europe: Evidence from Kraków and Vienna
J Kohlenberger, I Buber-Ennser, K Pędziwiatr, B Rengs, I Setz, ...
Plos one 18 (12), e0279783, 2023
What the self-selection of Ukrainian refugees means for support in host countries
J Kohlenberger, K Pędziwiatr, B Rengs, B Riederer, I Setz, I Buber-Ennser, ...
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, 2022
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