Pedro Mercader
Cited by
Cited by
Max-pressure traffic controller based on travel times: An experimental analysis
P Mercader, W Uwayid, J Haddad
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 110, 275-290, 2020
Robust PID design based on QFT and convex–concave optimization
P Mercader, KJ Åström, A Baños, T Hägglund
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (2), 441-452, 2016
A PI tuning rule for integrating plus dead time processes with parametric uncertainty
P Mercader, A Banos
ISA Transactions 67, 246-255, 2017
Automatic incident detection on freeways based on Bluetooth traffic monitoring
P Mercader, J Haddad
Accident Analysis & Prevention 146, 105703, 2020
Control PID multivariable de una caldera de vapor
P Mercader, CD Cánovas, A Baños
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, 2018
Resilient multivariable perimeter control of urban road networks under cyberattacks
P Mercader, J Haddad
Control Engineering Practice 109, 104718, 2021
An automatic tuner with short experiment and probabilistic plant parameterization
K Soltesz, P Mercader, A Banos
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 (11), 1857-1873, 2017
Robust proportional–integral–derivative design for processes with interval parametric uncertainty
P Mercader, A Baños, R Vilanova
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (7), 1016-1023, 2017
Simple interpolating control
P Mercader, D Rubin, HN Nguyen, A Bemporad, PO Gutman
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (25), 42-47, 2018
Interpolation based predictive control by ellipsoidal invariant sets
D Rubin, P Mercader, PO Gutman, HN Nguyen, A Bemporad
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 12, 100084, 2020
Optimal signal timing for multi-phase intersections
P Mercader, M Ornik, PO Gutman, I Ioslovich
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (9), 476-481, 2018
Robust PID design by chance-constrained optimization
P Mercader, K Soltesz, A Banos
Journal of the Franklin Institute 354 (18), 8217-8231, 2017
PID synthesis under probabilistic parametric uncertainty
P Mercader, K Soltesz, A Banos
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 5467-5472, 2016
Robust PI compensators design for FOPDT systems with large uncertainty
P Mercader, A Baños
2014 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2014
/ ℋ2analysis for time-delay reset control systems
P Mercader, MA Davó, A Banos
3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, 518-523, 2013
IQC analysis of reset control systems with time-varying delay
P Mercader, J Carrasco, A Baños
International Journal of Control 92 (9), 2007-2014, 2019
IQC analysis for time-delay reset control systems with first order reset elements
P Mercader, J Carrasco, A Banos
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2251-2256, 2013
Evaluation of an interpolated controller in an industrial photobioreactor
JC Moreno, P Mercader, JL Guzmán, A Baños, PO Gutman
IEEE Access 9, 24406-24415, 2021
Improvements on interpolation techniques based on linear programming for constrained control
D Rubin, P Mercader, HN Nguyen, PO Gutman, A Baños
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 1403-1408, 2017
Performance analysis of PI and PI+ CI compensation for an IPDT process
P Mercader, MA Davo, A Baños
2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 231-236, 2015
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Articles 1–20