Erkun Yang(杨二昆)
Erkun Yang(杨二昆)
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Pairwise relationship guided deep hashing for cross-modal retrieval
E Yang, C Deng, W Liu, X Liu, D Tao, X Gao
proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
Understanding and improving early stopping for learning with noisy labels
Y Bai, E Yang, B Han, Y Yang, J Li, Y Mao, G Niu, T Liu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 24392-24403, 2021
Distillhash: Unsupervised deep hashing by distilling data pairs
E Yang, T Liu, C Deng, W Liu, D Tao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Semantic structure-based unsupervised deep hashing
E Yang, C Deng, T Liu, W Liu, D Tao
Proceedings of the 27th international joint conference on artificial …, 2018
Graph Debiased Contrastive Learning with Joint Representation Clustering.
H Zhao, X Yang, Z Wang, E Yang, C Deng
IJCAI, 3434-3440, 2021
Unsupervised semantic-preserving adversarial hashing for image search
C Deng, E Yang, T Liu, J Li, W Liu, D Tao
IEEE transactions on image processing 28 (8), 4032-4044, 2019
Shared predictive cross-modal deep quantization
E Yang, C Deng, C Li, W Liu, J Li, D Tao
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (11), 5292-5303, 2018
A mutual multi-scale triplet graph convolutional network for classification of brain disorders using functional or structural connectivity
D Yao, J Sui, M Wang, E Yang, Y Jiaerken, N Luo, PT Yap, M Liu, D Shen
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 40 (4), 1279-1289, 2021
Adversarial examples for hamming space search
E Yang, T Liu, C Deng, D Tao
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (4), 1473-1484, 2018
Multi-site MRI harmonization via attention-guided deep domain adaptation for brain disorder identification
H Guan, Y Liu, E Yang, PT Yap, D Shen, M Liu
Medical image analysis 71, 102076, 2021
Two-stream deep hashing with class-specific centers for supervised image search
C Deng, E Yang, T Liu, D Tao
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (6), 2189-2201, 2019
Estimating instance-dependent bayes-label transition matrix using a deep neural network
S Yang, E Yang, B Han, Y Liu, M Xu, G Niu, T Liu
International Conference on Machine Learning, 25302-25312, 2022
International workshop on machine learning in medical imaging
D Yao, J Sui, E Yang, PT Yap, D Shen, M Liu
Temporal-adaptive graph convolutional network for automated identification of major depressive disorder using resting-state fMRI
D Yao, J Sui, E Yang, PT Yap, D Shen, M Liu
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: 11th International Workshop, MLMI 2020 …, 2020
Staged sketch-to-image synthesis via semi-supervised generative adversarial networks
Z Li, C Deng, E Yang, D Tao
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 2694-2705, 2020
Mutual quantization for cross-modal search with noisy labels
E Yang, D Yao, T Liu, C Deng
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Exploring hybrid spatio-temporal convolutional networks for human action recognition
H Wang, Y Yang, E Yang, C Deng
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 15065-15081, 2017
Deep bayesian hashing with center prior for multi-modal neuroimage retrieval
E Yang, M Liu, D Yao, B Cao, C Lian, PT Yap, D Shen
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 40 (2), 503-513, 2020
Simulation of postoperative facial appearances via geometric deep learning for efficient orthognathic surgical planning
L Ma, D Xiao, D Kim, C Lian, T Kuang, Q Liu, H Deng, E Yang, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 42 (2), 336-345, 2022
Emotion-prior awareness network for emotional video captioning
P Song, D Guo, X Yang, S Tang, E Yang, M Wang
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 589-600, 2023
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Articles 1–20