stavros koubias
stavros koubias
Professor Emeritus, University of Patras, Greece
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Real-time vision-based system for textile fabric inspection
R Stojanovic, P Mitropulos, C Koulamas, Y Karayiannis, S Koubias, ...
Real-time imaging 7 (6), 507-518, 2001
Vertical integration of enterprise industrial systems utilizing web services
AP Kalogeras, JV Gialelis, CE Alexakos, MJ Georgoudakis, SA Koubias
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2 (2), 120-128, 2006
A generic network management architecture targeted to support home automation networks and home internet connectivity
E Topalis, G Orphanos, S Koubias, G Papadopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 46 (1), 44-51, 2000
Defect detection and classification on web textile fabric using multiresolution decomposition and neural networks
YA Karayiannis, R Stojanovic, P Mitropoulos, C Koulamas, T Stouraitis, ...
ICECS'99. Proceedings of ICECS'99. 6th IEEE International Conference on …, 1999
ZRP versus DSR and TORA: A comprehensive survey on ZRP performance
S Giannoulis, C Antonopoulos, E Topalis, S Koubias
2005 IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation 1, 8 pp …, 2005
A Modbus/TCP fuzzer for testing internetworked industrial systems
AG Voyiatzis, K Katsigiannis, S Koubias
2015 IEEE 20th conference on emerging technologies & factory automation …, 2015
Architecture Design and Implementation of an Ad-Hoc Network for Disaster Relief Operations
N Pogkas, GE Karastergios, CP Antonopoulos, S Koubias, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 3 (1), 63-72, 2007
A dynamic context-aware access control architecture for e-services
V Kapsalis, L Hadellis, D Karelis, S Koubias
computers & security 25 (7), 507-521, 2006
Modern fieldbus communication architectures for real-time industrial applications
SA Koubias, GD Papadopoulos
Computers in industry 26 (3), 243-252, 1995
Using cut-through forwarding to retain the real-time properties of profibus over hybrid wired/wireless architectures
C Koulamas, S Koubias, G Papadopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51 (6), 1208-1217, 2004
An integrated node for Smart-City applications based on active RFID tags; Use case on waste-bins
D Karadimas, A Papalambrou, J Gialelis, S Koubias
2016 IEEE 21st international conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2016
A methodology for the development of distributed real-time control applications with focus on task allocation in heterogeneous systems
A Prayati, C Koulamas, S Koubias, G Papadopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51 (6), 1194-1207, 2004
Real-time vision system for defect detection and neural classification of web textile fabric
P Mitropoulos, C Koulamas, RD Stojanovic, S Koubias, ...
Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VII 3652, 59-69, 1999
Radio channel characterization in industrial environments and spread spectrum modem performance
A Miaoudakis, A Lekkas, G Kalivas, S Koubias
2005 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 1, 7 pp.-93, 2005
OPC-SMS: a wireless gateway to OPC-based data sources
V Kapsalis, S Koubias, G Papadopoulos
Computer Standards & Interfaces 24 (5), 437-451, 2002
Kathodigos-a novel smart parking system based on wireless sensor network
I Samaras, N Evangeliou, A Arvanitopoulos, J Gialelis, S Koubias, A Tzes
Intelligent Transportation Systems 1, 140-145, 2013
Performance evaluation of a WSN system for distributed event detection using fuzzy logic
SM Dima, C Panagiotou, D Tsitsipis, C Antonopoulos, J Gialelis, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 23, 87-108, 2014
Implementation of a MAC-layer protocol (GIT-CSMA/CD) for industrial LAN's and its experimental performance
VD Kapsalis, SA Koubias, GD Papadopoulps
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 44 (6), 825-839, 1997
Evaluation Analysis of the Performance of IEEE 802.11 b and IEEE 802.11 g Standards
A Athanasopoulos, E Topalis, C Antonopoulos, S Koubias
International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems …, 2006
A hybrid adaptive routing protocol for ad hoc wireless networks
S Giannoulis, C Katsanos, S Koubias, G Papadopoulos
IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 2004 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20