Paolo Mori
Cited by
Cited by
Blockchain Based Access Control
D Di Francesco Maesa, P Mori, L Ricci
DisCoTec 2017 12th International Federated Conference on Distributed …, 2017
Blockchain 3.0 applications survey
DDF Maesa, P Mori
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 138, 99-114, 2020
A blockchain based approach for the definition of auditable Access Control systems
D Di Francesco Maesa, P Mori, L Ricci
Elsevier, 2019
Usage control in computer security: A survey
A Lazouski, F Martinelli, P Mori
Computer Science Review 4 (2), 81-99, 2010
A cloud-edge based data security architecture for sharing and analysing cyber threat information
DW Chadwick, W Fan, G Costantino, R De Lemos, F Di Cerbo, I Herwono, ...
Future generation computer systems 102, 710-722, 2020
Blockchain 3.0 applications survey
D Di Francesco Maesa, P Mori
Blockchain based access control services
DDF Maesa, P Mori, L Ricci
2018 IEEE international conference on internet of things (ithings) and IEEE …, 2018
A proposal on enhancing XACML with continuous usage control features
M Colombo, A Lazouski, F Martinelli, P Mori
Grids, P2P and Services Computing, 133-146, 2010
Usage control in cloud systems
A Lazouski, G Mancini, F Martinelli, P Mori
2012 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2012
A survey on privacy in decentralized online social networks
A De Salve, P Mori, L Ricci
Computer Science Review 27, 154-176, 2018
Implementing usage control in internet of things: a smart home use case
A La Marra, F Martinelli, P Mori, A Saracino
2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS, 1056-1063, 2017
Usage control on cloud systems
E Carniani, D D’Arenzo, A Lazouski, F Martinelli, P Mori
Future Generation Computer Systems 63, 37-55, 2016
Towards continuous usage control on grid computational services
F Martinelli, P Mori, A Vaccarelli
Joint International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems and …, 2005
The Contrail approach to cloud federations
M Coppola, P Dazzi, A Lazouski, F Martinelli, P Mori, J Jensen, I Johnson, ...
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC’12) 2, 1, 2012
A prototype for enforcing usage control policies based on XACML
A Lazouski, F Martinelli, P Mori
International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business …, 2012
On usage control for grid systems
F Martinelli, P Mori
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (7), 1032-1042, 2010
Rewarding reviews with tokens: An ethereum-based approach
A Lisi, A De Salve, P Mori, L Ricci, S Fabrizi
Future Generation Computer Systems 120, 36-54, 2021
Prioritized execution of privacy policies
I Matteucci, P Mori, M Petrocchi
International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, 133-145, 2012
Runtime monitoring for next generation java me platform
G Costa, F Martinelli, P Mori, C Schaefer, T Walter
Computers & Security 29 (1), 74-87, 2010
Improving MQTT by inclusion of usage control
A La Marra, F Martinelli, P Mori, A Rizos, A Saracino
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage …, 2017
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Articles 1–20