Guillermo Romera Rodriguez
Guillermo Romera Rodriguez
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Experiencing the Transition to Remote Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
CH Tsai, GR Rodriguez, N Li, J Robert, A Serpi, JM Carroll
IxD&A 46, 70-87, 2020
Like PEAS in PoDS: the player, environment, agents, system framework for the personalization of digital systems
S Snodgrass, O Mohaddesi, J Hart, GR Rodriguez, C Holmgård, ...
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2019
The Development of a Methodology for Gamifying Surveys
C Harteveld, S Snodgrass, O Mohaddesi, J Hart, T Corwin, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2018
Picturing One's Self: Camera Use in Zoom Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
N Li, G Romera Rodriguez, Y Xu, P Bhatt, HA Nguyen, A Serpi, C Tsai, ...
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 151-162, 2022
Social media processing in crisis response: an attempt to shift from data to information exploitation.
J Coche, GR Rodriguez, A Montarnal, A Tapia, F Benaben
HICSS 2021-54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2285-2294, 2021
A Semantic Approach to Negation Detection and Word Disambiguation with Natural Language Processing
I Okpala, GR Rodriguez, A Tapia, S Halse, J Kropczynski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02291, 2023
A Framework for Perception Analysis of Social Media Data During Disease Outbreaks: Uncovering Patterns of Resentment Towards Bats
I Okpala, G Romera Rodriguez, C Han, M Meierhofer, S Mammola, ...
Perception Analysis: Pro-and Anti-Vaccine Classification with NLP and Machine Learning
I Okpala, G Romera Rodriguez, W Zheng, S Halse, J Kropczynski
Cultivating and Leveraging Continuous Accountability Through Mundane Infrastructures for Critical Thinking
JM Carroll, G Romera Rodriguez, N Li, CH Tsai
Perspectives on Digitally-Mediated Team Learning, 19-32, 2021
Understanding Twitters behavior during the pandemic: Fake News and Fear
GR Rodriguez, S Gautam, A Tapia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.05134, 2022
Collaborative Information Seeking during a 911 Call Surge: A Case Study
R Grace, A Montarnal, E Petitdemange, J Rutter, GR Rodriguez, M Potts
ISCRAM 2023-20th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis …, 2023
Understanding Non-Participation in a Self-Regulated Computer-Mediated Communication Implementation: Exploring Challenges and Implications
G Romera Rodriguez
Player Modeling for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Top Down Action Games
GR Rodriguez
Northeastern University, 2019
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Articles 1–13