Harry Campbell
Harry Campbell
Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Queensland
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Incentive-based approaches to sustainable fisheries
RQ Grafton, R Arnason, T Bjørndal, D Campbell, HF Campbell, CW Clark, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (3), 699-710, 2006
Benefit-cost analysis: financial and economic appraisal using spreadsheets
HF Campbell, RPC Brown
Cambridge University Press, 2003
The economic cost and control of marine debris damage in the Asia-Pacific region
A McIlgorm, HF Campbell, MJ Rule
Ocean & coastal management 54 (9), 643-651, 2011
Individual Transferable Quotas in Multi-Species Fisheries
D Squires, HF Campbell, S Cunnimgham, C Dewees, Q Grafton, S Herrick, ...
Marine Policy 22 (2), 135-159, 1998
The effect of capital intensity on the optimal rate of extraction of a mineral deposit
HF Campbell
The Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne d'Economique 13 (2), 349-356, 1980
Estimating the elasticity of substitution between restricted and unrestricted inputs in a regulated fishery: a probit approach
HF Campbell
Journal of environmental economics and management 20 (3), 262-274, 1991
Maximizing resource rent from the Western and Central Pacific tuna fisheries
M Bertignac, HF Campbell, J Hampton, AJ Hand
Marine Resource Economics 15 (3), 151-177, 2000
The production of fishing effort and the economic performance of licence limitation programs
HF Campbell, RK Lindner
Land Economics 66 (1), 56-66, 1990
The cost of public funds in Australia
HF Campbell, KA Bond
Economic Record 73 (220), 22-34, 1997
Rent generation during the transition to a managed fishery: the case of the New Zealand ITQ system
RK Lindner, HF Campbell, GF Bevin
Marine Resource Economics 7 (4), 229-248, 1992
Estimating the marginal productivity of agricultural pesticides: the case of tree‐fruit farms in the Okanagan Valley
HF Campbell
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 1976
Joint ventures and technology transfer: the Solomon Islands pole-and-line fishery
HF Campbell, AJ Hand
Journal of Development Economics 57 (2), 421-442, 1998
A multiple account framework for cost–benefit analysis
HF Campbell, RPC Brown
Evaluation and Program Planning 28 (1), 23-32, 2005
Understanding the economic benefits and costs of controlling marine debris in the APEC region (MRC 02/2007)
A McIlgorm, HF Campbell, MJ Rule
A report to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Marine Resource …, 2008
Cost-benefit analysis: financial and economic appraisal using spreadsheets
HF Campbell, RPC Brown
Routledge, 2022
Can purse seiners target yellowfin tuna?
HF Campbell, RB Nicholl
Land Economics, 345-354, 1994
Deadweight loss and commodity taxation in Canada
HF Campbell
The Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne d'Economique 8 (3), 441-447, 1975
Modeling the spatial dynamics of the US purse-seine fleet operating in the western Pacific tuna fishery
HF Campbell, AJ Hand
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 56 (7), 1266-1277, 1999
A model of mineral exploration and resource taxation
HF Campbell, RK Lindner
The Economic Journal 95 (377), 146-160, 1985
Fishery Buy‐back Programmes and Economic Welfare
HF Campbell
Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics 33 (1), 20-31, 1989
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Articles 1–20