Bin Wang
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Cited by
Soil aggregates as biogeochemical reactors and implications for soil–atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases—A concept
B Wang, PE Brewer, HH Shugart, MT Lerdau, SD Allison
Global change biology 25 (2), 373-385, 2019
Gap models and their individual-based relatives in the assessment of the consequences of global change
HH Shugart, B Wang, R Fischer, J Ma, J Fang, X Yan, A Huth, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3), 033001, 2018
Soil organic and inorganic carbon contents under various land uses across a transect of continental steppes in Inner Mongolia
ZP Wang, XG Han, SX Chang, B Wang, Q Yu, LY Hou, LH Li
Catena 109, 110-117, 2013
Widespread production of nonmicrobial greenhouse gases in soils
B Wang, M Lerdau, Y He
Global Change Biology 23 (11), 4472-4482, 2017
Forests and ozone: Productivity, carbon storage and feedbacks
B Wang, HH Shugart, JK Shuman, MT Lerdau
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 22133, 2016
Emergent properties of organic matter decomposition by soil enzymes
B Wang, SD Allison
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 136, 107522, 2019
A novel diffuse fraction‐based two‐leaf light use efficiency model: An application quantifying photosynthetic seasonality across 20 AmeriFlux flux tower sites
H Yan, SQ Wang, KL Yu, B Wang, Q Yu, G Bohrer, D Billesbach, R Bracho, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9 (6), 2317-2332, 2017
Growing season in situ uptake of atmospheric methane by desert soils in a semiarid region of northern China
LY Hou, ZP Wang, JM Wang, B Wang, SB Zhou, LH Li
Geoderma 189, 415-422, 2012
Drought legacies mediated by trait trade‐offs in soil microbiomes
B Wang, SD Allison
Ecosphere 12 (6), e03562, 2021
Unexpected evergreen expansion in the Siberian forest under warming hiatus
Y He, J Huang, HH Shugart, X Guan, B Wang, K Yu
Journal of Climate 30 (13), 5021-5039, 2017
Non-microbial methane emissions from soils
B Wang, L Hou, W Liu, Z Wang
Atmospheric Environment 80, 290-298, 2013
Gap models across micro-to mega-scales of time and space: examples of Tansley˘s ecosystem concept
HH Shugart, A Foster, B Wang, D Druckenbrod, J Ma, M Lerdau, ...
Forest Ecosystems 7, 1-18, 2020
An individual-based model of forest volatile organic compound emissions—UVAFME-VOC v1. 0
B Wang, HH Shugart, MT Lerdau
Ecological Modelling 350, 69-78, 2017
Sensitivity of global greenhouse gas budgets to tropospheric ozone pollution mediated by the biosphere
B Wang, HH Shugart, MT Lerdau
Environmental Research Letters 12 (8), 084001, 2017
Biodiversity matters in feedbacks between climate change and air quality: a study using an individual‐based model
B Wang, J Shuman, HH Shugart, MT Lerdau
Ecological Applications 28 (5), 1223-1231, 2018
Building bottom-up aggregate-based models (ABMs) in soil systems with a view of aggregates as biogeochemical reactors.
B Wang, PE Brewer, HH Shugart, MT Lerdau, SD Allison
Global change biology 25 (8), e6-e8, 2019
Complexities between plants and the atmosphere
B Wang, HH Shugart, MT Lerdau
Nature Geoscience 12 (9), 693-694, 2019
Dissolved methane in groundwater of domestic wells and its potential emissions in arid and semi-arid regions of Inner Mongolia, China
ZP Wang, L Zhang, B Wang, LY Hou, CW Xiao, XM Zhang, XG Han
Science of the Total Environment 626, 1193-1199, 2018
Embracing fine‐root system complexity in terrestrial ecosystem modeling
B Wang, ML McCormack, DM Ricciuto, X Yang, CM Iversen
Global Change Biology 29 (11), 2871-2885, 2023
Enhanced warming in global dryland lakes and its drivers
S Wang, Y He, S Hu, F Ji, B Wang, X Guan, S Piccolroaz
Remote Sensing 14 (1), 86, 2021
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