Mahmut Unan
Cited by
Cited by
Tracking of MRI Interventional Devices with Computer-Controlled Detunable Markers
J An, X Liu, M Unan, EG Christoforou, AG Webb, NV Tsekos
XIV Mediterranean Conference On Medical And Biological Engineering And …, 2016
3D Reconstruction of Tubular Structures from Three Orthogonal MRI Projections
J An, M Unan, K Chin, DJ Shah, AG Webb, I Seimenis, NV Tsekos
XIV Mediterranean Conference On Medical And Biological Engineering And …, 2016
Quality enhancement of low-resolution image by using natural images
E Bilgazyev, E Yeniaras, I Uyanik, M Unan, EL Leiss
Sixth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2013) 9067, 314-320, 2013
Using motion correction to improve real-time cardiac MRI reconstruction
E Bilgazyev, I Uyanik, M Unan, D Shah, NV Tsekos, EL Leiss
Sixth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2013) 9067, 295-301, 2013
Manipulator-mounted optical NMR dual-modality probe for multimodality scanning in MR guided and robot-assisted interventions
J An, AE Sonmez, M Unan, RD Darrow, I Hancu, J Stafford, AG Webb, ...
Joint Annual Meeting of ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy, 2014
Sparse representation based face recognition using weighted regions
E Bilgazyev, E Yeniaras, I Uyanik, M Unan, E Leiss
Sixth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 13), 90671K-90671K-6, 2013
3D Reconstruction of Tubular Structure Using Radially Deployed Projections
M Unan, J An, I Seimenis, DJ Shah, NV Tsekos
2019 IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval …, 2019
3D Reconstruction of Tubular Structures Using MRI Projection Images
M Unan
Simulation of Dual Modality Probe
M Unan, AE Sonmez
2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering …, 2017
A method for fast 3D imaging of contrast enhanced vessels or catheters using magnetic resonance projections
M Unan, I Seimenis, AG Webb, NV Tsekos
Physica Medica 32, 248, 2016
Optimization of CO2 Sequestration in Reservoirs under Geochemistry and Thermal Effects
C Temizel, A Tiwari, T Tuna, SS Erdogan, M Unan
Carbon Management Technology Conference, CMTC-438009-MS, 2015
Modeling of Dual Modality Probe for Concurrently Collecting MR and Optical Spectra
M Unan
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Articles 1–12