Nikolaos Grigorios Kanellopoulos
Nikolaos Grigorios Kanellopoulos
Emeritus Professor, Audiovisual Arts Department, Ionian University
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Affective acoustic ecology: Towards emotionally enhanced sound events
K Drossos, A Floros, NG Kanellopoulos
Proceedings of the 7th Audio Mostly Conference: A Conference on Interaction …, 2012
Genetic evolution of L and FL-systems for the production of rhythmic sequences
MA Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, A Floros, N Kanellopoulos, MN Vrahatis
Proceedings of the 14th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2012
Investigating the impact of sound angular position on the listener affective state
K Drossos, A Floros, A Giannakoulopoulos, N Kanellopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 6 (1), 27-42, 2015
Identifying free text plagiarism based on semantic similarity
G Tsatsaronis, I Varlamis, A Giannakoulopoulos, N Kanellopoulos
Proceedings of the 4th International Plagiarism Conference, 2010
The AIDMAN project–a telemedicine approach to cardiology investigation, referral and outpatient care
RW Jones, M Clarke, N Kanellopoulos, D Lioupis, R Fowles
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 6 (1_suppl), 32-34, 2000
Eidola: An interactive augmented reality audio-game prototype
N Moustakas, A Floros, N Kanellopoulos
Audio Engineering Society Convention 127, 2009
Stereo goes mobile: Spatial enhancement for short-distance loudspeaker setups
K Drossos, SI Mimilakis, A Floros, NG Kanellopoulos
2012 Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and …, 2012
Real-time drums transcription with characteristic bandpass filtering
A Maximos, A Floros, MN Vrahatis, N Kanellopoulos
Proceedings of the 7th Audio Mostly Conference: A Conference on Interaction …, 2012
“CHESS” Multiprocessor A Processor-Memory Grid for Parallel Programming
D Lioupis, N Kanellopoulos
Cache and Interconnect Architectures in Multiprocessors, 245-257, 1990
Specific selection of FFT amplitudes from audio sports and news broadcasting for classification purposes
M Poulos, G Bokos, N Kanellopoulos, S Papavlasopoulos, M Avlonitis
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 11 (1), 277-307, 2007
The memory hierarchy of the CHESS computer
D Lioupis, N Kanellopoulos, M Stefanidakis
Microprocessing and Microprogramming 38 (1-5), 99-107, 1993
A low complexity IEEE802. 11e scheduling scheme for efficient wireless delivery
A Floros, N Kanellopoulos
2008 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal …, 2008
Emergency voice/stress-level combined recognition for intelligent house applications
K Drosos, A Floros, K Agavanakis, NA Tatlas, NG Kanellopoulos
Audio Engineering Society Convention 132, 2012
Interactive communication methodology for social software and multimedia applications
I Deliyannis, N Kanellopoulos
IADIS International Conference IADIS e-Society, Algarve, Portugal, 2008
Searching Online for Art and Culture: User Behavior Analysis
M Pergantis, I Varlamis, NG Kanellopoulos, A Giannakoulopoulos
Future Internet 15 (6), 211, 2023
Data distribution and network inter-connectivity on a parallel VoD server
D Lioupis, F Liotopoulos, A Pipis, M Smirli, N Kanellopoulos
Business and Work in the Information Society: New Technologies and …, 1999
Foreign language web-based learning by means of audiovisual interactive activities
C Kanellopoulou, M Pergantis, N Konstantinou, NG Kanellopoulos, ...
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 14 (6), 207-232, 2021
A Loudness-based Adaptive Equalization Technique for Subjectively Improved Sound Reproduction
K Drossos, A Floros, NG Kanellopoulos
Audio Engineering Society Convention 136, 2014
AIDMAN-advanced informatics distributed medical access network
M Clarke, RW Jones, N Kanellopoulos, D Lioupis, A Nassiopoulos
Medical Informatics Europe'99, 625-630, 1999
Visualizing the hypersphere using Hinton¢s method
D Traperas, N Kanellopoulos
Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 16 (2), 165-181, 2018
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Articles 1–20