Harry Pavlopoulos
Harry Pavlopoulos
Associate Professor, Dept. of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business
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On the threshold method for rainfall estimation: Choosing the optimal threshold level
B Kedem, H Pavlopoulos
Journal of the American Statistical Association 86 (415), 626-633, 1991
A probability distribution model for rain rate
B Kedem, H Pavlopoulos, X Guan, DA Short
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 33 (12), 1486-1493, 1994
INAR (1) modeling of overdispersed count series with an environmental application
H Pavlopoulos, D Karlis
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 2008
A minimal model of soil water–vegetation interactions forced by stochastic rainfall in water-limited ecosystems
C De Michele, R Vezzoli, H Pavlopoulos, RJ Scholes
Ecological Modelling 212 (3-4), 397-407, 2008
Scale invariance of regional wet and dry durations of rain fields: A diagnostic study
H Pavlopoulos, VK Gupta
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D8), 2003
Stochastic modeling of rain rate processes: a diffusion model
Communications in statistics. Stochastic models 8 (3), 397-420, 1992
Dryland ecosystems: the coupled stochastic dynamics of soil water and vegetation and the role of rainfall seasonality
R Vezzoli, C De Michele, H Pavlopoulos, RJ Scholes
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (5 …, 2008
The meteorological radiation model
HD Kambezidis, AD Adamopoulos, NK Sakellariou, HG Pavlopoulos, ...
Bull. Hell. Assoc. Chart. Mech.-Electr. Engineers 3 (2), 38-42, 1998
On a stochastic model for moisture budget in an Eulerian atmospheric column
M Freidlin, H Pavlopoulos
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 1997
Wet and dry epoch durations of spatially averaged rain rate, their probability distributions and scaling properties
H Pavlopoulos, J Gritsis
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 6 (4), 351-380, 1999
A stochastic framework for downscaling processes of spatial averages based on the property of spectral multiscaling and its statistical diagnosis on spatio-temporal rainfall fields
H Pavlopoulos
Advances in water resources 34 (8), 990-1011, 2011
Heavy tailed durations of regional rainfall
H Pavlopoulos, J Picek, J Jurečková
Applications of Mathematics 53, 249-265, 2008
A diagnostic study of spectral multiscaling on spatio-temporal accumulations of rainfall fields based on radar measurements over Iowa
H Pavlopoulos, W Krajewski
Advances in water resources 74, 258-278, 2014
Spectral multiscaling of spatially averaged rain rate: a hint for spatio‐temporal modelling
H Pavlopoulos, G Makatis
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 1998
On time series of overdispersed count: Modelling, inference, simulation and prediction
H Pavlopoulos, D Karlis
Technical Report, Department of Statistics Athens University of Economics …, 2006
On highly skewed fractional log‐stable noise sequences and their application
H Pavlopoulos, G Chronis
Journal of Time Series Analysis 44 (4), 337-358, 2023
Combining theoretical and applied ecohydrology in semi-arid climates
C de Michele, R Vezzoli, H Pavlopoulos, RJ Scholes
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8205, 2009
On THE Stationarity OF Rainfall Time Series
C De Michele, H Pavlopoulos, R Rosso, P Bernardara
Statistical diagnosis of multiscaling properties of space-time intermittence of rain fields
H Pavlopoulos, VK Gupta
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 14408, 2003
Observation, Estimation, and Prediction of Precipitation Variability at All Scales (CIP)-CIP 12-Scale invariance of regional wet and dry durations of rain fields: A diagnostic
H Pavlopoulos, VK Gupta
Journal of Geophysical Research-Part D-Atmospheres 108 (8), 2003
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Articles 1–20