Evangelos Spiliotis
Evangelos Spiliotis
Forecasting & Strategy Unit, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical
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Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods: Concerns and ways forward
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
PloS one 13 (3), e0194889, 2018
The M4 Competition: 100,000 time series and 61 forecasting methods
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
International Journal of Forecasting 36 (1), 54-74, 2020
Forecasting: theory and practice
F Petropoulos, D Apiletti, V Assimakopoulos, MZ Babai, DK Barrow, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (3), 705-871, 2022
The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
International Journal of forecasting 34 (4), 802-808, 2018
M5 accuracy competition: Results, findings, and conclusions
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (4), 1346-1364, 2022
The M5 competition: Background, organization, and implementation
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (4), 1325-1336, 2022
Comparison of statistical and machine learning methods for daily SKU demand forecasting
E Spiliotis, S Makridakis, AA Semenoglou, V Assimakopoulos
Operational Research 22 (3), 3037-3061, 2022
On the selection of forecasting accuracy measures
D Koutsandreas, E Spiliotis, F Petropoulos, V Assimakopoulos
Journal of the Operational Research Society 73 (5), 937-954, 2022
The M5 uncertainty competition: Results, findings and conclusions
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos, Z Chen, A Gaba, I Tsetlin, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (4), 1365-1385, 2022
Cross-temporal aggregation: Improving the forecast accuracy of hierarchical electricity consumption
E Spiliotis, F Petropoulos, N Kourentzes, V Assimakopoulos
Applied Energy 261, 114339, 2020
Are forecasting competitions data representative of the reality?
E Spiliotis, A Kouloumos, V Assimakopoulos, S Makridakis
International Journal of Forecasting 36 (1), 37-53, 2020
Investigating the accuracy of cross-learning time series forecasting methods
AA Semenoglou, E Spiliotis, S Makridakis, V Assimakopoulos
International Journal of Forecasting 37 (3), 1072-1084, 2021
Statistical, machine learning and deep learning forecasting methods: Comparisons and ways forward
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos, AA Semenoglou, G Mulder, ...
Journal of the Operational Research Society 74 (3), 840-859, 2023
Short-term photovoltaic power forecasting using meta-learning and numerical weather prediction independent Long Short-Term Memory models
E Sarmas, E Spiliotis, E Stamatopoulos, V Marinakis, H Doukas
Renewable Energy 216, 118997, 2023
Hierarchical forecast reconciliation with machine learning
E Spiliotis, M Abolghasemi, RJ Hyndman, F Petropoulos, ...
Applied Soft Computing 112, 107756, 2021
Generalizing the theta method for automatic forecasting
E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos, S Makridakis
European Journal of Operational Research 284 (2), 550-558, 2020
Data augmentation for univariate time series forecasting with neural networks
AA Semenoglou, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
Pattern Recognition 134, 109132, 2023
Predicting/hypothesizing the findings of the M4 Competition
S Makridakis, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
International Journal of Forecasting 36 (1), 29-36, 2020
ML-based energy management of water pumping systems for the application of peak shaving in small-scale islands
E Sarmas, E Spiliotis, V Marinakis, G Tzanes, JK Kaldellis, H Doukas
Sustainable Cities and Society 82, 103873, 2022
Image-based time series forecasting: A deep convolutional neural network approach
AA Semenoglou, E Spiliotis, V Assimakopoulos
Neural Networks 157, 39-53, 2023
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Articles 1–20