jose manuel valerio de carvalho
jose manuel valerio de carvalho
Dept de Produção e Sistemas, Universidade do Minho
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Cited by
Exact solution of bin‐packing problems using column generation and branch‐and‐bound
JM Valério de Carvalho
Annals of Operations Research 86 (0), 629-659, 1999
LP models for bin packing and cutting stock problems
JMV De Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 141 (2), 253-273, 2002
Dual-optimal inequalities for stabilized column generation
H Ben Amor, J Desrosiers, JM Valério de Carvalho
Operations Research 54 (3), 454-463, 2006
Solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple routes exactly using a pseudo-polynomial model
R Macedo, C Alves, JMV de Carvalho, F Clautiaux, S Hanafi
European Journal of Operational Research 214 (3), 536-545, 2011
An integer programming model for two-and three-stage two-dimensional cutting stock problems
E Silva, F Alvelos, JMV De Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 205 (3), 699-708, 2010
Arc-flow model for the two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem
R Macedo, C Alves, JMV De Carvalho
Computers & Operations Research 37 (6), 991-1001, 2010
Using extra dual cuts to accelerate column generation
JM Valério de Carvalho
INFORMS Journal on Computing 17 (2), 175-182, 2005
A branch-and-price algorithm for scheduling parallel machines with sequence dependent setup times
MJP Lopes, JMV de Carvalho
European journal of operational research 176 (3), 1508-1527, 2007
A stabilized branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the multiple length cutting stock problem
C Alves, JMV de Carvalho
Computers & Operations Research 35 (4), 1315-1328, 2008
Exact solution of cutting stock problems using column generation and branch-and-bound
JMV de Carvalho
International Transactions in Operational Research 5 (1), 35-44, 1998
An LP-based approach to a two-stage cutting stock problem
JMV de Carvalho, AJG Rodrigues
European Journal of Operational Research 84 (3), 580-589, 1995
A survey of dual-feasible and superadditive functions
F Clautiaux, C Alves, J Valério de Carvalho
Annals of Operations Research 179, 317-342, 2010
Cutting stock problems
H Ben Amor, J Valério de Carvalho
Column generation, 131-161, 2005
Accelerating column generation for variable sized bin-packing problems
C Alves, JMV De Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 183 (3), 1333-1352, 2007
A comparative study of the arcflow model and the one-cut model for one-dimensional cutting stock problems
J Martinovic, G Scheithauer, JMV de Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2), 458-471, 2018
Comparing branch-and-price algorithms for the unsplittable multicommodity flow problem
F Alvelos, JMV De Carvalho
International Network Optimization Conference, 7-12, 2003
Arc flow formulations based on dynamic programming: Theoretical foundations and applications
VL de Lima, C Alves, F Clautiaux, M Iori, JMV de Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 296 (1), 3-21, 2022
Integrating two-dimensional cutting stock and lot-sizing problems
E Silva, F Alvelos, JM Valério de Carvalho
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (1), 108-123, 2014
Skewed general variable neighborhood search for the location routing scheduling problem
R Macedo, C Alves, S Hanafi, B Jarboui, N Mladenović, B Ramos, ...
Computers & Operations Research 61, 143-152, 2015
New constructive algorithms for leather nesting in the automotive industry
C Alves, P Brás, JV de Carvalho, T Pinto
Computers & Operations Research 39 (7), 1487-1505, 2012
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Articles 1–20