Francesco Acciani
Cited by
Cited by
Cooperative adaptive cruise control over unreliable networks: An observer-based approach to increase robustness to packet loss
F Acciani, P Frasca, A Stoorvogel, E Semsar-Kazerooni, G Heijenk
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 1399-1404, 2018
Stochastic string stability of vehicle platoons via cooperative adaptive cruise control with lossy communication
F Acciani, P Frasca, G Heijenk, AA Stoorvogel
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 10912-10922, 2021
Artificial neural networks for feedback control of a human elbow hydraulic prosthesis
V Bevilacqua, M Dotoli, MM Foglia, F Acciani, G Tattoli, M Valori
Neurocomputing 137, 3-11, 2014
Achieving robust average consensus over lossy wireless networks
F Acciani, P Frasca, G Heijenk, AA Stoorvogel
IEEE transactions on control of network systems 6 (1), 127-137, 2018
Achieving robust average consensus over wireless networks
F Acciani, G Heijenk, P Frasca
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 555-560, 2016
Using a linear gain to accelerate average consensus over unreliable networks
F Acciani, P Frasca, G Heijenk, A Stoorvogel
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3569-3574, 2017
Control over unreliable networks: Consensus and platooning
F Acciani
H & H2 almost state synchronization with full-state coupling for homogeneous multi-agent systems
AA Stoorvogel, A Saberi, M Zhang, F Acciani
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6009-6014, 2017
Using Artificial Neural Networks for Closed Loop Control of a Hydraulic Prosthesis for a Human Elbow
V Bevilacqua, M Dotoli, MM Foglia, F Acciani, G Tattoli, M Valori
Emerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications: 8th …, 2012
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Articles 1–9