Kevin Pipe
Kevin Pipe
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Cited by
Engineered doping of organic semiconductors for enhanced thermoelectric efficiency
GH Kim, L Shao, K Zhang, KP Pipe
Nature materials 12 (8), 719-723, 2013
High thermal conductivity in amorphous polymer blends by engineered interchain interactions
GH Kim, D Lee, A Shanker, L Shao, MS Kwon, D Gidley, J Kim, KP Pipe
Nature materials 14 (3), 295-300, 2015
Suppressing molecular motions for enhanced room-temperature phosphorescence of metal-free organic materials
MS Kwon, Y Yu, C Coburn, AW Phillips, K Chung, A Shanker, J Jung, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8947, 2015
Surgical instrument and method for use thereof
R Dodde, AJ Shih, J Geiger, W Roberts, K Pipe, A Advincula
US Patent 7,815,641, 2010
CCD-based thermoreflectance microscopy: principles and applications
M Farzaneh, K Maize, D Lüerßen, JA Summers, PM Mayer, PE Raad, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (14), 143001, 2009
Transparent and conductive electrodes based on unpatterned, thin metal films
B O’Connor, C Haughn, KH An, KP Pipe, M Shtein
Applied Physics Letters 93 (22), 2008
Computational sprinting
A Raghavan, Y Luo, A Chandawalla, M Papaefthymiou, KP Pipe, ...
IEEE international symposium on high-performance comp architecture, 1-12, 2012
Profiling the thermoelectric power of semiconductor junctions with nanometer resolution
HK Lyeo, AA Khajetoorians, L Shi, KP Pipe, RJ Ram, A Shakouri, CK Shih
Science 303 (5659), 816-818, 2004
Fiber-based flexible thermoelectric power generator
A Yadav, KP Pipe, M Shtein
Journal of Power Sources 175 (2), 909-913, 2008
Fiber based organic photovoltaic devices
B O’Connor, KP Pipe, M Shtein
Applied Physics Letters 92 (19), 2008
Fiber shaped light emitting device
B O'Connor, KH An, Y Zhao, KP Pipe, M Shtein
Advanced Materials 19 (22), 3897-3900, 2007
Thermoelectrics Handbook: Macro to Nano
H Scherrer, DM Rowe, T Kajikawa, K Matsubara, JP Issi, HJ Goldsmid, ...
CRC press, 2018
Room-temperature self-organised In0. 5Ga0. 5As quantum dot laser on silicon
Z Mi, P Bhattacharya, J Yang, KP Pipe
Electronics letters 41 (13), 742-744, 2005
High thermal conductivity in electrostatically engineered amorphous polymers
A Shanker, C Li, GH Kim, D Gidley, KP Pipe, J Kim
Science advances 3 (7), e1700342, 2017
Thermoelectric model to characterize carrier transport in organic semiconductors
G Kim, KP Pipe
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (8), 085208, 2012
Bias-dependent Peltier coefficient and internal cooling in bipolar devices
KP Pipe, RJ Ram, A Shakouri
Physical Review B 66 (12), 125316, 2002
Figure-of-merit for phase-change materials used in thermal management
L Shao, A Raghavan, GH Kim, L Emurian, J Rosen, MC Papaefthymiou, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 101, 764-771, 2016
Enhanced optical field intensity distribution in organic photovoltaic devices using external coatings
B O’Connor, KH An, KP Pipe, Y Zhao, M Shtein
Applied physics letters 89 (23), 2006
A cold-sensing receptor encoded by a glutamate receptor gene
J Gong, J Liu, EA Ronan, F He, W Cai, M Fatima, W Zhang, H Lee, Z Li, ...
Cell 178 (6), 1375-1386. e11, 2019
Investigation of the electrical conductivity of propylene glycol-based ZnO nanofluids
SB White, AJM Shih, KP Pipe
Nanoscale research letters 6, 1-5, 2011
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Articles 1–20