Rebecca C. Smith
Rebecca C. Smith
Moody's Insurance Solutions (RMS)
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Cited by
Comparing approaches for numerical modelling of tsunami generation by deformable submarine slides
RC Smith, J Hill, GS Collins, MD Piggott, SC Kramer, SD Parkinson, ...
Ocean Modelling, 2016
A new methodology for performing large scale simulations of tsunami generated by deformable submarine slides
RC Smith, J Hill, SL Mouradian, MD Piggott, GS Collins
Ocean Modelling 153, 101674, 2020
Numerical modelling of tsunami generated by deformable submarine slides
RC Smith
Imperial College London, 2016
Numerical modelling of the Storegga tsunami: consequences to the UK.
J Hill, G Collins, R Smith, M Piggott
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4052, 2014
Numerical modelling of tsunami generation by deformable submarine slides using mesh adaptivity
R Smith, S Parkinson, J Hill, G Collins, M Piggott
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5810, 2014
Multi-scale modelling of submarine landslide-generated tsunamis
J Hill, MD Piggott, GS Collins, RC Smith, PA Allison
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, NH41A-1688, 2013
Correlation structure of economic losses due to floods across Europe
S Zanardo, R Smith, L Nicotina, A Assteerawatt, A Hilberts
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19222, 2020
Including climatic variability in stochastic rainfall for flood catastrophe modelling – The effect of ENSO and SOI in China
Jose Luis Salinas, Rebecca.C. Smith, Shuangcai Li, Ludovico Nicotina, Arno ...
EGU General Assembly 2020, 2020
Numerical Modelling of Tsunami Generated by Deformable Submarine Slides: Parameterisation of Slide Dynamics for Coupling to Tsunami Propagation Model
RC Smith, GS Collins, J Hill, MD Piggott, SL Mouradian
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, EP14B-07, 2015
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Articles 1–9