Giannoula FLOROU, Γιαννούλα Φλώρου
Giannoula FLOROU, Γιαννούλα Φλώρου
Professor, International Hellenic University, ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΡΙΑ, ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ
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Cited by
Manufacturing strategies and financial performance—The effect of advanced information technology: CAD/CAM systems
P Theodorou, G Florou
Omega 36 (1), 107-121, 2008
Social media networks as a learning tool
E Kolokytha, S Loutrouki, S Valsamidis, G Florou
Procedia Economics and Finance 19, 287-295, 2015
Consumers’ attitudes towards GM Free products in a European Region. The case of the Prefecture of Drama–Kavala–Xanthi in Greece
L Tsourgiannis, A Karasavvoglou, G Florou
Appetite 57 (2), 448-458, 2011
The European foundation quality management evaluation of Greek primary and secondary education
SD Anastasiadou, PA Zirinoglou, GS Florou
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 143, 932-940, 2014
What accuracy for 3D measurements with cameras?
G Florou, R Mohr
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 354-358, 1996
Consumers' Purchasing Behaviour Patterns Regarding Organic Wine in a Southern EU Country.
L Tsourgiannis, E Loizou, A Karasavvoglou, CA Tsourgiannis, G Florou, ...
HAICTA, 520-539, 2015
Factors affecting consumers in Greece to buy during the economic crisis period food produced domestically in Greece
L Tsourgiannis, A Karasavvoglou, CA Tsourgiannis, G Florou, ...
Procedia Economics and Finance 9, 439-455, 2014
Educational robotics as a teaching tool of information technology in the primary education
S Valsamidis, G Florou, S Anastasiadou, A Mandilas
EDULEARN21 Proceedings, 9806-9816, 2021
Κλίμακες αξιολόγησης: η περίπτωση της κλίμακας Likert
Γ Παπαδημητρίου, Γ Φλώρου, Σ Αναστασιάδου
Πρακτικά 14ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Στατιστικής, 81-88, 2001
Features of public healthcare services provided to migrant patients in the eastern Macedonia and Thrace region (Greece)
CA Tsitsakis, A Karasavvoglou, E Tsaridis, G Ramantani, G Florou, ...
Health policy 121 (3), 329-337, 2017
Evaluation of the satisfaction of preservice educators of Primary Education from their work and faithfulness to their work
SD Anastasiadou, GS Florou, XG Fotiadou, L Anastasiadis
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (6), 35-41, 2016
Knowledge management for business intelligence measurement in an e-business system
S Valsamidis, I Kazanidis, S Kontogiannis, G Florou
International Journal of Electronic Business 13 (4), 323-341, 2017
Academic staff of Greek technological educational institutes
G Florou, S Anastasiadou
3rd International Conference on Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies …, 2013
Exploring consumers’ attitudes towards wood products that could be derived from transgenic plantations in Greece
L Tsourgiannis, V Kazana, A Karasavvoglou, M Nikolaidis, G Florou, ...
Procedia Technology 8, 554-560, 2013
Greek students' Environmental Attitude based on the Theory of Ecological Attitude.
SD Anastasiadou, L Anastasiadis, G Florou, S Valsamidis
HAICTA, 222-231, 2022
E-Learning and tertiary education students
G Florou, S Anastasiadou, S Valsamidis
EDULEARN21 Proceedings, 9796-9805, 2021
Total Quality Management in Education: The case of Primary and Secondary Education for the implementation of the best educational policy
S Anastasiadou, P Zirinoglou, A Karasavoglou, G Florou
Data Analysis, Bulletin 17, 110-130, 2016
Greek Public Tertiary Education Departments of Agriculture.
G Florou, SD Anastasiadou, A Karasavvoglou, S Valsamidis, AA Mandilas
HAICTA, 471-479, 2015
Female university staff in Greece and Turkey
F Giannoula
Procedia Economics and Finance 9, 342-348, 2014
Consumer ethnocentrism, patriotism and animosity: The case of Greece students
S Anastasiadou, G Florou
3rd International Conference on Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies …, 2012
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Articles 1–20