Yitzchak David Lockerman
Yitzchak David Lockerman
Team Lead, Bloomberg L.P.
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Cited by
Cited by
The life of a New York City noise sensor network
C Mydlarz, M Sharma, Y Lockerman, B Steers, C Silva, JP Bello
Sensors 19 (6), 1415, 2019
Multi-Scale Label-Map Extraction for Texture Synthesis
YD Lockerman, B Sauvage, R Allegre, JM Dischler, J Dorsey, ...
Siggraph 2016, 2016
Time lattice: A data structure for the interactive visual analysis of large time series
F Miranda, M Lage, H Doraiswamy, C Mydlarz, J Salamon, Y Lockerman, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (3), 23-35, 2018
Phase singularity diffusion
X Cheng, Y Lockerman, AZ Genack
Optics letters 39 (11), 3348-3351, 2014
Mesoscopic speckle
S Zhang, Y Lockerman, AZ Genack
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (5 …, 2010
Observation of singularities in multiply scattered microwave fields
S Zhang, B Hu, Y Lockerman, P Sebbah, AZ Genack
JOSA A 24 (10), A33-A38, 2007
A new approach for pedestrian density estimation using moving sensors and computer vision
EK Tokuda, Y Lockerman, GBA Ferreira, E Sorrelgreen, D Boyle, ...
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) 6 (4), 1-20, 2020
Creating Texture Exemplars from Unconstrained Images
YD Lockerman, S Xue, J Dorsey, H Rushmeier
Yale University Department of Computer Science Technical Report, 2013
Experiments with a low-cost system for computer graphics material model acquisition
H Rushmeier, Y Lockerman, L Cartwright, D Pitera
Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance 2015 9398, 35-43, 2015
Interplay between generic and mesoscopic speckle statistics in transmission through random media
S Zhang, YD Lockerman, J Park, AZ Genack
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (9), 094018, 2009
Testing spatial patterns for acquiring shape and subsurface scattering properties
YD Lockerman, S Brenner, J Lanzone, A Doronin, H Rushmeier
Electronic Imaging 28, 1-7, 2016
Systems and methods for creating texture exemplars
Y Lockerman, H Rushmeier, J Dorsey
US Patent 9,007,373, 2015
Anisotropic Subsurface Scattering Acquisition Through a LightField Based Apparatus
Y Piadyk, Y Lockerman, C Silva
Electronic Imaging, 2020
Facilitating the Acquisition of Realistic Material Appearance Models
Y Lockerman
Yale University, 2016
Generic diffusion of phase singularities
X Cheng, Y Lockerman, AZ Genack
2014 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)-Laser Science to …, 2014
Phase Singularity Motion in Speckle Pattern Evolution
X Cheng, Y Lockerman, AZ Genack
Frontiers in Optics, FM4C. 4, 2013
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Articles 1–16