Sofia J. Hadjileontiadou
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Cited by
DeepLMS: a deep learning predictive model for supporting online learning in the Covid-19 era
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, J Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19888, 2020
Fuzzy cognitive mapping of LMS users’ quality of interaction within higher education blended-learning environment
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, LJ Hadjileontiadis, JA Diniz
Expert systems with Applications 42 (21), 7399-7423, 2015
Computer-based concept mapping combined with learning management system use: An explorative study under the self-and collaborative-mode
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Computers & Education 107, 127-146, 2017
Sentiment analysis techniques and applications in education: A survey
FS Dolianiti, D Iakovakis, SB Dias, S Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, ...
International conference on technology and innovation in learning, teaching …, 2018
On enhancing on-line collaboration using fuzzy logic modeling
SJ Hadjileontiadou, GN Nikolaidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis, GN Balafoutas
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 7 (2), 68-81, 2004
Lin2k: A Novel Web‐Based Collaborative Tool‐Application to Engineering Education
SJ Hadjileontiadou, HN Sakonidis, GJ Balafoutas
Journal of engineering education 92 (4), 313-324, 2003
Fuzzy logic-based modeling in collaborative and blended learning
SJ Hadjileontiadou, SB Dias, JA Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Information Science Reference, 2015
Professional learning: A fuzzy logic-based modelling approach
MN Gravani, SJ Hadjileontiadou, GN Nikolaidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Learning and Instruction 17 (2), 235-252, 2007
Sentiment analysis on educational datasets: a comparative evaluation of commercial tools
FS Dolianiti, D Iakovakis, SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, ...
Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 2019
A fuzzy logic evaluating system to support Web-based collaboration using collaborative and metacognitive data
SJ Hadjileontiadou, GN Nikolaidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis, GN Balafoutas
Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Technologies, 96-100, 2003
Using ANFIS to efficiently model skills and beliefs in computer-mediated collaboration
SJ Hadjileontiadou, LJ Hadjileontiadis
of the 1st Balkan Conference in Informatics. Thessaloniki: Greece, 2003
On modeling the quality of concept mapping toward more intelligent online learning feedback: a fuzzy logic-based approach
SB Dias, FS Dolianiti, SJ Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Universal Access in the Information Society 19 (3), 485-498, 2020
On modeling the quality of nutrition for healthy ageing using fuzzy cognitive maps
SB Dias, SJ Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, J Barroso, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Context Diversity …, 2016
Towards an intelligent learning management system: The a/b/c-teach approach
SB Dias, S Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, L Hadjileontiadis
Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education: First …, 2019
A complexity analysis of collaborative turn-taking patterns that evolve during computer-mediated collaboration
SJ Hadjileontiadou, LJ Hadjileontiadis
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 3 (1), 155-158, 2004
Microgenetic Analysis of the Educational Robotics as Mindtools: A Case in the Construction of the Concept Speed
T Kazantzis, S Hadjileontiadou
Research on E-Learning and ICT in Education: Technological, Pedagogical and …, 2021
FISCMAP: A fuzzy logic-based quality of concept mapping modelling approach fostering reflective feedback
SB Dias, FS Dolianiti, SJ Hadjileontiadou, JA Diniz, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Development and …, 2016
Towards a pragmatic modeling of learner's complex system by reflecting Boulding's typology at the affective computing space.
SJ Hadjileontiadou, GN Nikolaidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis
Artif. Intell. Res. 2 (1), 36-43, 2013
Intuitionistic fuzzy logic-based approach of intrinsic motivation in CSCL settings during illusionary sense of control
S Hadjileontiadou, G Nikolaidou, L Hadjileontiadis
Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems: Achievements and …, 2013
A Novel way to investigate student views about Environmental problems
S Hadjileontiadou, G Kekkeris
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 7 (3), 689-697, 2006
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Articles 1–20