Michele Xiloyannis
Michele Xiloyannis
CTO, Akina AG
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Soft robotic suits: State of the art, core technologies, and open challenges
M Xiloyannis, R Alicea, AM Georgarakis, FL Haufe, P Wolf, L Masia, ...
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (3), 1343-1362, 2021
Physiological and kinematic effects of a soft exosuit on arm movements
M Xiloyannis, D Chiaradia, A Frisoli, L Masia
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 16, 1-15, 2019
Adaptive model-based myoelectric control for a soft wearable arm exosuit: A new generation of wearable robot control
N Lotti, M Xiloyannis, G Durandau, E Galofaro, V Sanguineti, L Masia, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 27 (1), 43-53, 2020
3D‐structured stretchable strain sensors for out‐of‐plane force detection
Z Liu, D Qi, WR Leow, J Yu, M Xiloyannnis, L Cappello, Y Liu, B Zhu, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (26), 1707285, 2018
Modelling and design of a synergy-based actuator for a tendon-driven soft robotic glove
M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, DB Khanh, SC Yen, L Masia
2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2016
Adaptive backlash compensation in upper limb soft wearable exoskeletons
BK Dinh, M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, CW Antuvan, SC Yen, L Masia
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 92, 173-186, 2017
Preliminary design and control of a soft exosuit for assisting elbow movements and hand grasping in activities of daily living
M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, KD Binh, CW Antuvan, L Masia
Journal of rehabilitation and assistive technologies engineering 4 …, 2017
Design and embedded control of a soft elbow exosuit
D Chiaradia, M Xiloyannis, CW Antuvan, A Frisoli, L Masia
2018 IEEE international conference on soft robotics (RoboSoft), 565-571, 2018
Gaussian process autoregression for simultaneous proportional multi-modal prosthetic control with natural hand kinematics
M Xiloyannis, C Gavriel, AAC Thomik, AA Faisal
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (10 …, 2017
Hierarchical cascade controller for assistance modulation in a soft wearable arm exoskeleton
BK Dinh, M Xiloyannis, CW Antuvan, L Cappello, L Masia
IEEE robotics and automation letters 2 (3), 1786-1793, 2017
Development of a Soft Exosuit for Industrial Applications
YG Kiml, M Xiloyannis, D Accoto, L Masia
2018 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2018
EMG-driven machine learning control of a soft glove for grasping assistance and rehabilitation
M Sierotowicz, N Lotti, L Nell, F Missiroli, R Alicea, X Zhang, M Xiloyannis, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 1566-1573, 2022
Activity-based training with the Myosuit: a safety and feasibility study across diverse gait disorders
FL Haufe, K Schmidt, JE Duarte, P Wolf, R Riener, M Xiloyannis
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 17, 1-11, 2020
A voice activated bi-articular exosuit for upper limb assistance during lifting tasks
YG Kim, K Little, B Noronha, M Xiloyannis, L Masia, D Accoto
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 66, 101995, 2020
Underactuated soft hip exosuit based on adaptive oscillators to assist human locomotion
E Tricomi, N Lotti, F Missiroli, X Zhang, M Xiloyannis, T Müller, S Crea, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 936-943, 2021
A textile exomuscle that assists the shoulder during functional movements for everyday life
AM Georgarakis, M Xiloyannis, P Wolf, R Riener
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (6), 574-582, 2022
Rigid, soft, passive, and active: A hybrid occupational exoskeleton for bimanual multijoint assistance
F Missiroli, N Lotti, E Tricomi, C Bokranz, R Alicea, M Xiloyannis, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 2557-2564, 2022
Design and validation of a modular one-to-many actuator for a soft wearable exosuit
M Xiloyannis, E Annese, M Canesi, A Kodiyan, A Bicchi, S Micera, ...
Frontiers in neurorobotics 13, 39, 2019
Myoelectric or force control? A comparative study on a soft arm exosuit
N Lotti, M Xiloyannis, F Missiroli, C Bokranz, D Chiaradia, A Frisoli, ...
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (3), 1363-1379, 2022
An assistive soft wrist exosuit for flexion movements with an ergonomic reinforced glove
D Chiaradia, L Tiseni, M Xiloyannis, M Solazzi, L Masia, A Frisoli
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 595862, 2021
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Articles 1–20