Apostolos Vetsikas
Cited by
Cited by
Examining the determinants of CO2 emissions caused by the transport sector: Empirical evidence from 12 European countries
VV Georgatzi, Y Stamboulis, A Vetsikas
Economic Analysis and Policy 65, 11-20, 2020
Organizational change management: delineating employee reaction to change in SMEs located in Magnesia
S Dimitriadis, N Blanas, G Aspridis, A Vetsikas
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 5 (1), 309-318, 2016
Innovation and crisis: An analysis of its impact on the Greek patenting activity
M Markatou, A Vetsikas
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 123-132, 2015
Does innovation activity affect trade openness? An ARDL bounds testing approach for 10 European countries
A Vetsikas, Y Stamboulis
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 32 (1), 163-188, 2023
Innovation and Economic Growth: An empirical investigation of European countries
A Vetsikas, Y Stamboulis, M Markatou
15th Globelics International Conference, Athens, 2017
Assessing the Performance of National Innovation Systems with a Helix-Based Composite Indicator: Evidence from 24 European Countries
A Vetsikas
Eastern European Economics 62 (1), 18-49, 2024
A conceptual framework for modeling heterogeneous actors' behavior in national innovation systems
A Vetsikas, Y Stamboulis
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 33 (3), 773-796, 2023
Religion and the financing of corporate investment around the world
C Mertzanis, A Pavlopoulos, A Vetsikas, D Reppas, PA Hamill
International Review of Financial Analysis 90, 102923, 2023
Exploring the coevolution of heterogeneous actors in national innovation systems: a system dynamics analysis of Finland
A Vetsikas, Y Stamboulis, V Georgatzi
Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 1-30, 2024
Το ελληνικό σύστημα καινοτομίας: δυναμική και άξονες παρέμβασης
Γ Σταμπουλής, Α Βέτσικας
Αναζητώντας τον Άλλο Δρόμο: Στρατηγικές για την Ανάπτυξη της Ελληνικής …, 2024
Μοντελοποιώντας τη δυναμική των εθνικών συστημάτων καινοτομίας
Α Βέτσικας, Γ Σταμπουλής
Το Βήμα των Κοινωνικών Επιστημών 19 (74), 51-80, 2022
Do policies and new technologies drive to a low carbon economy regarding the transportation sector?
VV Georgatzi, A Vetsikas, Y Stamboulis
30th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference …, 2018
R&D expenditure, Patents and Economic Growth: Causality evidence from ten innovative countries
A Vetsikas, Y Stamboulis
29th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference (EAEPE), 2017
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Articles 1–13