Juan-Miguel López-Gil
Cited by
Cited by
Method for improving EEG based emotion recognition by combining it with synchronized biometric and eye tracking technologies in a non-invasive and low cost way
JM López-Gil, J Virgili-Gomá, R Gil, T Guilera, I Batalla, J Soler-González, ...
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 10, 85, 2016
Towards an ontology for describing emotions
JM López, R Gil, R García, I Cearreta, N Garay
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society …, 2008
Assistive technology and affective mediation
N Garay, I Cearreta, J López, I Fajardo
Human technology 2 (1), 55-83, 2006
An ontology for description of emotional cues
Z Obrenovic, N Garay, JM López, I Fajardo, I Cearreta
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: First International …, 2005
Building a usable and accessible semantic web interaction platform
R García, JM Gimeno, F Perdrix, R Gil, M Oliva, JM López, A Pascual, ...
World wide web 13, 143-167, 2010
Combining InterMod agile methodology with usability engineering in a mobile application development
B Losada, M Urretavizcaya, JM López-Gil, I Fernández-Castro
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interacción Persona …, 2012
Feature subset selection based on evolutionary algorithms for automatic emotion recognition in spoken spanish and standard basque language
A Álvarez, I Cearreta, JM López, A Arruti, E Lazkano, B Sierra, N Garay
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 9th International Conference, TSD 2006, Brno …, 2006
Classifier subset selection for the stacked generalization method applied to emotion recognition in speech
A Álvarez, B Sierra, A Arruti, JM López-Gil, N Garay-Vitoria
Sensors 16 (1), 21, 2015
Influence of web content management systems in web content accessibility
JM López, A Pascual, L Masip, T Granollers, X Cardet
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Análisis de la arquitectura de webs mediante tests de estrés de navegación, de usabilidad y eye tracking
JM López-Gil, C Navarro-Molina, R García, R Aleixandre-Benavent
Profesional de la Información 19 (4), 359-367, 2010
Deepfakes: evolution and trends
R Gil, J Virgili-Gomà, JM López-Gil, R García
Soft Computing 27 (16), 11295-11318, 2023
Methodology for identifying and solving accessibility related issues in web content management system environments
JM López, A Pascual, C Menduiña, T Granollers
Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web …, 2012
Creación de una base de datos emocional bilingüe y multimodal
JM López, I Cearreta, N Garay, K López de Ipiña, A Beristain
Redondo, MA, Bravo C., Ortega M.(Eds). Proceeding of the 7th Spanish Human …, 2006
Applying Usability Engineering in InterMod Agile Development Methodology. A Case Study in a Mobile Application.
B Losada, M Urretavizcaya, JML Gil, I Fernández-Castro
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 19 (8), 1046-1065, 2013
Interdependence between technical web accessibility and usability: its influence on web quality models
M Arrue, I Fajardo, JM López, M Vigo
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 307-328, 2007
Semantic wiki for quality management in software development projects
R García, R Gil, JM Gimeno, T Granollers, JM López, M Oliva, A Pascual
Iet Software 4 (6), 386-395, 2010
A comparison using different speech parameters in the automatic emotion recognition using Feature Subset Selection based on Evolutionary Algorithms
A Álvarez, I Cearreta, JM López, A Arruti, E Lazkano, B Sierra, N Garay
International conference on text, speech and dialogue, 423-430, 2007
Comunicación científica (XXVIII). Nuevas formas de difusión de contenidos: streaming, webcasting y podcasting
A Alonso-Arroyo, C Navarro-Molina, JM López-Gil, JG de Dios, ...
Acta pediátrica española 73 (10), 278-283, 2015
A methodological approach for building multimodal acted affective databases
JM López, I Cearreta, N Garay-Vitoria, K López de Ipiña, A Beristain
Engineering the User Interface: From Research to Practice, 1-17, 2009
Validating a multilingual and multimodal affective database
JM López, I Cearreta, I Fajardo, N Garay
Usability and Internationalization. Global and Local User Interfaces: Second …, 2007
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Articles 1–20