Håkan Sollervall
Håkan Sollervall
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Primary School Students' Spatial Orientation Strategies in an Outdoor Learning Activity Supported by Mobile Technologies.
A Peng, H Sollervall
Online Submission 2 (4), 246-256, 2014
Outdoor activities for the learning of mathematics: Designing with mobile technologies for transitions across learning contexts
H Sollervall, N Otero, M Milrad, D Johansson, B Vogel
2012 IEEE seventh international conference on wireless, mobile and …, 2012
Collaborative design of mathematical activities for learning in an outdoor setting
P Nilsson, H Sollervall, M Milrad
of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 1101, 2010
Collaborative mathematical inquiry with augmented reality
H Sollervall
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 7 (3), 153-173, 2012
Theoretical and methodological considerations regarding the design of innovative mathematical learning activities with mobile technologies
H Sollervall, M Milrad
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 6 (2), 172-187, 2012
Mathematical learning processes supported by augmented reality
P Nilsson, H Sollervall, D Spikol
PME 34, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 18-23, 2010, 337-344, 2010
Using mobile games in the classroom: The good and the bad of a new math language
A Kluge, J Dolonen
Mobile Learning and Mathematics, 106-121, 2015
Towards a decentralized and self-adaptive system for m-learning applications
D Gil, J Andersson, M Milrad, H Sollervall
2012 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and …, 2012
Trade-offs between didactical and technological design requirements affecting the robustness of a mobile learning activity
H Sollervall, D Gil de la Iglesia, M Milrad, A Peng, O Pettersson, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, 2011
Designing a didactical situation with mobile and web technologies
H Sollervall, DG de La Iglesia
CERME 9-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2015
Aritmetik för lärare: tal och de fyra räknesätten
H Sollervall
Studentlitteratur AB, 2015
Matematik för ingenjörer
H Sollervall
Studentlitteratur, 2006
Digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen:[ingår i Lärportalens modul Matematikundervisning med digitala verktyg I, åk 1-3, Del 1: Nätet som resurs]
O Helenius, H Palmér, H Sollervall, T Lingefjärd
Skolverket, 2016
Att stödja elever med förmåga och fallenhet i matematik
H Sollervall
Acta Wexionensia 53, 127-136, 2004
Augmented reality as support for designing a learning activity concerning the mathematical concept of scale
H Sollervall, P Nilsson, D Spikol
Proceedings of the 7th Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, 222-230, 2010
Tal och de fyra räknesätten
H Sollervall
Studentlitteratur, 2007
Combining web and mobile technologies to support sustainable activity design in education
DG De la Iglesia, H Sollervall, YR Delgado, CS Mazarico
Proceedings of the Orchestrated Collaborative Classroom Workshop 2015, 1-4, 2015
Designing with mobile technologies for enacting the learning of geometry
H SOLLERVALL, DG De La IGLESIA, M Milrad, P Aihui, O Pettersson, ...
International Conference on Computers in Education, 2011
Dynamisk representation med digitala verktyg
U Ryan, H Sollervall, T Lingefjärd, O Helenius
Skolverket, 2015
Mångfald och stadieövergångar
S Ask, J Einarsson, S Lund, F Sandblad, H Sollervall, E Stadler, I Wistedt
Växjö University Press, 2004
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Articles 1–20