Victoria Bellou
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Cited by
Destination images, holistic images and personal normative beliefs: Predictors of intention to revisit a destination
N Stylos, CA Vassiliadis, V Bellou, A Andronikidis
Tourism management 53, 40-60, 2016
Linking the dots among destination images, place attachment, and revisit intentions: A study among British and Russian tourists
N Stylos, V Bellou, A Andronikidis, CA Vassiliadis
Tourism management 60, 15-29, 2017
Organizational culture as a predictor of job satisfaction: the role of gender and age
V Bellou
Career development international 15 (1), 4-19, 2010
Psychological contract assessment after a major organizational change: The case of mergers and acquisitions
V Bellou
Employee relations 29 (1), 68-88, 2006
The impact of internal service quality on customer service behaviour: Evidence from the banking sector
V Bellou, A Andronikidis
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 25 (9), 943-954, 2008
Employer brand of choice: An employee perspective
V Bellou, I Chaniotakis, I Kehagias, I Rigopoulou
Journal of Business Economics and Management 16 (6), 1201-1215, 2015
Profiling the desirable psychological contract for different groups of employees: Evidence from Greece
V Bellou
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (4), 810-830, 2009
Achieving long‐term customer satisfaction through organizational culture: Evidence from the health care sector
V Bellou
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 17 (5), 510-522, 2007
Examining organizational climate in Greek hotels from a service quality perspective
V Bellou, AI Andronikidis
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 21 (3), 294-307, 2009
Identifying organizational culture and subcultures within Greek public hospitals
V Bellou
Journal of health organization and management 22 (5), 496-509, 2008
Exploring civic virtue and turnover intention during organizational changes
V Bellou
Journal of Business Research 61 (7), 778-789, 2008
Do women followers prefer a different leadership style than men?
V Bellou
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (13), 2818-2833, 2011
Investigating tourists’ revisit proxies: The key role of destination loyalty and its dimensions
N Stylos, V Bellou
Journal of Travel Research 58 (7), 1123-1145, 2019
Maximizing e-HRM outcomes: a moderated mediation path
S Panos, V Bellou
Management Decision 54 (5), 1088-1109, 2016
The relationship between workplace ostracism and information exchange: The mediating role of self-serving behavior
P Gkorezis, V Bellou
Management Decision 54 (3), 700-713, 2016
Verifying alternative measures of the service-quality construct: consistencies and contradictions
A Andronikidis, V Bellou
Journal of Marketing Management 26 (5-6), 570-587, 2010
The relationship between leader self-deprecating humor and perceived effectiveness: Trust in leader as a mediator
P Gkorezis, V Bellou
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 37 (7), 882-898, 2016
The impact of organizational identification and self-esteem on organizational citizenship behavior: The case of Greek public hospitals
V Bellou, L Chitiris, A Bellou
Operational Research 5, 305-318, 2005
The role of learning and customer orientation for delivering service quality to patients
V Bellou
Journal of Health Organization and Management 24 (4), 383-395, 2010
Shaping psychological contracts in the public and private sectors: A human resources management perspective
V Bellou
International Public Management Journal 10 (3), 327-349, 2007
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Articles 1–20