Julie Esparza Brown
Cited by
Cited by
A cultural, linguistic, and ecological framework for response to intervention with English language learners
JE Brown, J Doolittle
Teaching Exceptional Children 40 (5), 66-72, 2008
RTI for English language learners: Appropriately using screening and progress monitoring tools to improve instructional outcomes
JE Brown, AK Sanford
Enhancing instruction for English learners in response to intervention systems: The PLUSS model
AK Sanford, JE Brown, M Turner
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners 13 (1), 56-70, 2012
Parent surveys for teacher evaluation
KD Peterson, C Wahlquist, JE Brown, S Mukhopadhyay
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 17, 317-330, 2003
Supporting English learners in the classroom: Best practices for distinguishing language acquisition from learning disabilities
EM Haas, JE Brown
Teachers College Press, 2019
Code-switching and language proficiency in bilingual children with and without developmental language disorder
M Kapantzoglou, JE Brown, LM Cycyk, G Fergadiotis
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64 (5), 1605-1620, 2021
Culturally and linguistically responsive mathematics instruction for English learners in multitiered support systems: PLUSS enhancements
AK Sanford, CJ Pinkney, JE Brown, CG Elliott, EN Rotert, SC Sennott
Learning Disability Quarterly 43 (2), 101-114, 2020
The formation of jets from shaped charges in the presence of asymmetry
J Brown, JP Curtis, DD Cook
Journal of applied physics 72 (6), 2136-2143, 1992
Ethics, equity, and English-language learners: A decision-making framework
S Chabon, JE Brown, C Gildersleeve-Neumann
The ASHA Leader 15 (9), 10-13, 2010
Multicultural practices and response to intervention
DP Crockett, JE Brown
The psychology of multiculturalism in the schools: A primer for practice …, 2009
Disentangling language differences from disability: A case study of district-preservice collaboration.
JE Brown, PC Ault
Journal of Multilingual Education Research 6 (7), 111-136, 2015
Highly Qualified Minority Teachers: Do High-Stakes Teacher Tests Weed out Those We Need Most?.
JE Brown
International Journal of Educational Policy, Research, and Practice …, 2005
RATE--the influence of grazing on Arctic tundra ecosystems
GO Batzli, J Brown, PFS Liehne, KH Chan
Arctic bulletin, 1976
Risks Across Borders: A Study of the Potential of Microinsurance Products to Help Migrants Cope with Cross Border Risks
B Magnoni, A Lovoi, J Brown, R Thornton
Inter-American Development Bank and FOMIN, 2010
The use and interpretation of the Batería III with U.S. bilinguals
JE Brown
Portland State University, 2008
Neurogenic pulmonary edema after trigeminal nerve blockade
SW Robert, T Feuerman, J Brown
Chest 96 (2), 436-438, 1989
a Hastings
A Barnosky, E Hadly, J Bascompte, E Berlow, J Brown, M Fortelius, ...
Marquet P, Martinez N, Mooers A, Roopnarine P, Vermeij G, Williams J …, 2012
M., and Mitchell, O.(2007). Who values the social security annuity? new evidence on the annuity puzzle
J Brown, D Casey
NBER Working Paper W 13800, 0
Meeting the language needs of emergent multilingual students at risk for learning disabilities through multitiered systems of support
L Artzi, LB Hsin, AK Sanford, JE Brown, S Guin
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 37 (3), 189-203, 2022
A cultural, linguistic, and ecological framework for response to intervention with English language learners. Tempe, AZ: National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational …
JE Brown, J Doolittle
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Articles 1–20