Aikaterini Michou
Aikaterini Michou
Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, Department of Philosophy, University of Ioannina
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Perfectionism, self-determined motivation, and coping among adolescent athletes
A Mouratidis, A Michou
Psychology of sport and exercise 12 (4), 355-367, 2011
Perceived structure and achievement goals as predictors of students' self-regulated learning and affect and the mediating role of competence need satisfaction
A Mouratidis, M Vansteenkiste, A Michou, W Lens
Learning and Individual Differences 23, 179-186, 2013
Enriching the hierarchical model of achievement motivation: Autonomous and controlling reasons underlying achievement goals
A Michou, M Vansteenkiste, A Mouratidis, W Lens
British Journal of Educational Psychology 84 (4), 650-666, 2014
Begin-of-school-year perceived autonomy-support and structure as predictors of end-of-school-year study efforts and procrastination: the mediating role of autonomous and …
A Mouratidis, A Michou, N Aelterman, L Haerens, M Vansteenkiste
Educational Psychology 38 (4), 435-450, 2018
Adolescents’ autonomous functioning and implicit theories of ability as predictors of their school achievement and week-to-week study regulation and well-being
A Mouratidis, A Michou, A Vassiou
Contemporary Educational Psychology 48, 56-66, 2017
Different goals, different pathways to success: Performance-approach goals as direct and mastery-approach goals as indirect predictors of grades in mathematics
A Mouratidis, A Michou, AN Demircioğlu, M Sayil
Learning and Individual Differences 61, 127-135, 2018
Personal and contextual antecedents of achievement goals: Their direct and indirect relations to students' learning strategies
A Michou, A Mouratidis, W Lens, M Vansteenkiste
Learning and Individual Differences 23, 187-194, 2013
Self‐determined motivation and social achievement goals in children’s emotions
A Mouratidis, A Michou
Educational Psychology 31 (1), 67-86, 2011
Building on the enriched hierarchical model of achievement motivation: Autonomous and controlling reasons underlying mastery goals
A Michou, L Matos, R Gargurevich, B Gumus, D Herrera
Psychologica Belgica 56 (3), 269, 2016
Within-person configurations and temporal relations of personal and perceived parent-promoted aspirations to school correlates among adolescents.
A Mouratidis, M Vansteenkiste, W Lens, A Michou, B Soenens
Journal of Educational Psychology 105 (3), 895, 2013
Self‐determined motivation and academic buoyancy as predictors of achievement in normative settings
G Aydın, A Michou
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (4), 964-980, 2020
Social achievement goals, needs satisfaction, and coping among adolescents
A Michou, A Mouratidis, E Ersoy, H Uğur
Personality and Individual Differences 99, 260-265, 2016
Dispositional achievement motives matter for autonomous versus controlled motivation and behavioral or affective educational outcomes
A Michou, E Matsagouras, W Lens
Personality and Individual Differences 69, 205-211, 2014
It is autonomous, not controlled motivation that counts: Linear and curvilinear relations of autonomous and controlled motivation to school grades
A Mouratidis, A Michou, M Sayil, S Altan
Learning and Instruction 73, 101433, 2021
Autonomous and controlling reasons underlying achievement goals during task engagement: Their relation to intrinsic motivation and cheating
A Ozdemir Oz, JF Lane, A Michou
Educational Psychology 36 (7), 1160-1172, 2016
Week-to-week interplay between teachers’ motivating style and students’ engagement
A Michou, S Altan, A Mouratidis, J Reeve, LE Malmberg
The Journal of Experimental Education 91 (1), 166-185, 2023
Coping and mindfulness
J Ataşalar, A Michou
Journal of Media Psychology, 2017
Procrastination, perceived maternal psychological control, and structure in math class: The intervening role of academic self‐concept
Ş Selçuk, A Koçak, A Mouratidis, A Michou, M Sayıl
Psychology in the Schools 58 (9), 1782-1798, 2021
Need satisfaction as a mediator between classroom goal structures and students' optimal educational experience
A Alp, A Michou, MS Çorlu, G Baray
Learning and Individual Differences 65, 80-89, 2018
No aspect of structure should be left behind in relation to student autonomous motivation
A Mouratidis, A Michou, S Telli, R Maulana, M Helms‐Lorenz
British Journal of Educational Psychology 92 (3), 1086-1108, 2022
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Articles 1–20