Stephen J. Simpson
Cited by
Cited by
Threats to an ecosystem service: pressures on pollinators
AJ Vanbergen, Insect Pollinators Initiative
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (5), 251-259, 2013
From disorder to order in marching locusts
J Buhl, DJT Sumpter, ID Couzin, JJ Hale, E Despland, ER Miller, ...
Science 312 (5778), 1402-1406, 2006
Lifespan and reproduction in Drosophila: new insights from nutritional geometry
KP Lee, SJ Simpson, FJ Clissold, R Brooks, JWO Ballard, PW Taylor, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (7), 2498-2503, 2008
The ratio of macronutrients, not caloric intake, dictates cardiometabolic health, aging, and longevity in ad libitum-fed mice
SM Solon-Biet, AC McMahon, JWO Ballard, K Ruohonen, LE Wu, ...
Cell metabolism 19 (3), 418-430, 2014
The nature of nutrition: a unifying framework from animal adaptation to human obesity
SJ Simpson, D Raubenheimer
Princeton university press, 2012
Nutrition, ecology and nutritional ecology: toward an integrated framework
D Raubenheimer, SJ Simpson, D Mayntz
Functional ecology, 4-16, 2009
Obesity: the protein leverage hypothesis
SJ Simpson, D Raubenheimer
obesity reviews 6 (2), 133-142, 2005
Optimal foraging when regulating intake of multiple nutrients
SJ Simpson, RM Sibly, KP Lee, ST Behmer, D Raubenheimer
Animal behaviour 68 (6), 1299-1311, 2004
Locust phase polyphenism: an update
MP Pener, SJ Simpson
Advances in insect physiology 36, 1-272, 2009
A multi-level analysis of feeding behaviour: the geometry of nutritional decisions
SJ Simpson, D Raubenheimer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1993
Nutrient-specific foraging in invertebrate predators
D Mayntz, D Raubenheimer, M Salomon, S Toft, SJ Simpson
Science 307 (5706), 111-113, 2005
Sex-specific fitness effects of nutrient intake on reproduction and lifespan
AA Maklakov, SJ Simpson, F Zajitschek, MD Hall, J Dessmann, F Clissold, ...
Current biology 18 (14), 1062-1066, 2008
Towards a new developmental synthesis: adaptive developmental plasticity and human disease
PD Gluckman, MA Hanson, P Bateson, AS Beedle, CM Law, ZA Bhutta, ...
The Lancet 373 (9675), 1654-1657, 2009
Serotonin mediates behavioral gregarization underlying swarm formation in desert locusts
ML Anstey, SM Rogers, SR Ott, M Burrows, SJ Simpson
science 323 (5914), 627-630, 2009
Integrative models of nutrient balancing: application to insects and vertebrates
D Raubenheimer, SJ Simpson
Nutrition research reviews 10 (1), 151-179, 1997
Flexible diet choice offsets protein costs of pathogen resistance in a caterpillar
KP Lee, JS Cory, K Wilson, D Raubenheimer, SJ Simpson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1588), 823-829, 2006
Polyphenism in insects
SJ Simpson, GA Sword, N Lo
Current Biology 21 (18), R738-R749, 2011
The mechanisms of nutritional compensation by phytophagous insects
SJ Simpson, CL Simpson
Insect-Plant Interactions (1990), 111-160, 2017
The geometry of compensatory feeding in the locust
D Raubenheimer, SJ Simpson
Animal behaviour 45 (5), 953-964, 1993
A behavioural analysis of phase change in the desert locust
SJ Simpson, AR McCaffery, BF Hägele
Biological reviews 74 (4), 461-480, 1999
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Articles 1–20