Knut H. Sørensen
Knut H. Sørensen
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Cited by
Making technology our own?: domesticating technology into everyday life
M Lie, KH Sørensen
(No Title), 1996
Domestication: the enactment of technology
K Sørensen
Domestication of media and technology, 40-61, 2006
How energy efficiency fails in the building industry
M Ryghaug, KH Sørensen
Energy Policy 37 (3), 984-991, 2009
Shaping technology, guiding policy: Concepts, spaces and tools
KH Sørensen, R Williams
(No Title), 2002
Against linearity: On the cultural appropriation of science and technology
KH Sørensen, M Aune, M Hatling
Between understanding and trust: The public, science and technology, 237-257, 2000
Tacit networks, heterogeneous engineers, and embodied technology
KH Sorensen, N Levold
Science, Technology, & Human Values 17 (1), 13-35, 1992
Making sense of global warming: Norwegians appropriating knowledge of anthropogenic climate change
M Ryghaug, K Holtan Sørensen, R Næss
Public Understanding of Science 20 (6), 778-795, 2011
Learning Technology, Constructing Culture: Socio-technical Change as Social Learning, STS Working Paper No. 18/96
KH Sørensen
Center for Technology and Society, Norwegian National University of Science …, 1996
Technologies of inclusion: Gender in the information society
KH Sørensen, W Faulkner, EWM Rommes
Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2011
Towards a feminized technology? Gendered values in the construction of technology
KH Sørensen
Social studies of science 22 (1), 5-31, 1992
Love, duty and the S-curve: An overview of some current literature on gender and ICT
KH Sorensen
Digital divides and inclusion measures. A review of literature and …, 2002
Competition and collaboration in male shaping of computing: A study of a Norwegian hacker culture
T Håpnes, KH Sørensen
The Gender-Technology Relation, 174-191, 2018
Social shaping on the move? On the policy relevance of the social shaping of technology perspective
KH Sørensen
Shaping technology, guiding policy, 19-36, 2002
Technology in use: Two essays on the domestication of artefacts
KH Sørensen
Centre for technology and society working paper 2, 94, 1994
Concerned consumption. Global warming changing household domestication of energy
M Aune, ÅL Godbolt, KH Sørensen, M Ryghaug, H Karlstrøm, R Næss
Energy Policy 98, 290-297, 2016
Consumer, client or citizen? How Norwegian local governments domesticate website technology and configure their users
L Liste, KH Sørensen
Information, Communication & Society 18 (7), 733-746, 2015
Forget the hacker? A critical re-appraisal of Norwegian studies of gender and ICT
HJ Gansmo, VA Lagesen, KH Sørensen
He, she and IT revisited. New perspectives on gender in the information …, 2003
Frankensteins dilemma: En bok om teknologi, miljø og verdier
Håkon With Andersen, KH Sørensen
Ad Notam Gyldendal, 1992
Walking the line? The enactment of the social/technical binary in software engineering
VA Lagesen, KH Sørensen
Engineering Studies 1 (2), 129-149, 2009
Tingenes samfunn. Kunnskap og materialitet som sosiologiske korrektiver
KH Sørensen
Sosiologi i dag 34 (2), 5-25, 2004
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Articles 1–20