Keehoon Hong
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Cited by
Recent progress in three-dimensional information processing based on integral imaging
JH Park, K Hong, B Lee
Applied Optics 48 (34), H77-H94, 2009
Full-color lens-array holographic optical element for three-dimensional optical see-through augmented reality
K Hong, J Yeom, C Jang, J Hong, B Lee
Optics letters 39 (1), 127-130, 2013
360-degree tabletop electronic holographic display
Y Lim, K Hong, H Kim, HE Kim, EY Chang, S Lee, T Kim, J Nam, HG Choo, ...
Optics Express 24 (22), 24999-25009, 2016
Recent researches based on integral imaging display method
Y Kim, K Hong, B Lee
3D Research 1 (1), 17-27, 2010
Recent progress in see-through three-dimensional displays using holographic optical elements [Invited]
C Jang, CK Lee, J Jeong, G Li, S Lee, J Yeom, K Hong, B Lee
Applied Optics 55 (3), A71-A85, 2016
Multi-viewer tracking integral imaging system and its viewing zone analysis
G Park, JH Jung, K Hong, Y Kim, YH Kim, SW Min, B Lee
Optics Express 17 (20), 17895-17908, 2009
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional transparent screens based on lens-array holographic optical elements
K Hong, J Yeom, C Jang, G Li, J Hong, B Lee
Optics Express 22 (12), 14363-14374, 2014
Accommodative response of integral imaging in near distance
Y Kim, J Kim, K Hong, HK Yang, JH Jung, H Choi, SW Min, JM Seo, ...
Journal of Display Technology 8 (2), 70-78, 2012
Plasmonic cavity-apertures as dynamic pixels for the simultaneous control of colour and intensity
H Yun, SY Lee, K Hong, J Yeom, B Lee
Nature Communications 6 (1), 7133, 2015
A frontal projection-type three-dimensional display
Y Kim, K Hong, J Yeom, J Hong, JH Jung, YW Lee, JH Park, B Lee
Optics express 20 (18), 20130-20138, 2012
Real-time integral imaging system for light field microscopy
J Kim, JH Jung, Y Jeong, K Hong, B Lee
Optics Express 22 (9), 10210-10220, 2014
Reconstruction of three-dimensional occluded object using optical flow and triangular mesh reconstruction in integral imaging
JH Jung, K Hong, G Park, I Chung, JH Park, B Lee
Optics express 18 (25), 26373-26387, 2010
Resolution enhancement of holographic printer using a hogel overlapping method
K Hong, S Park, J Yeom, J Kim, N Chen, K Pyun, C Choi, S Kim, J An, ...
Optics Express 21 (12), 14047-14055, 2013
Three-dimensional/two-dimensional convertible projection screen using see-through integral imaging based on holographic optical element
J Yeom, J Jeong, C Jang, G Li, K Hong, B Lee
Applied Optics 54 (30), 8856-8862, 2015
Projection-type dual-view three-dimensional display system based on integral imaging [Invited]
J Jeong, CK Lee, K Hong, J Yeom, B Lee
Applied Optics 53 (27), G12-G18, 2014
Rectification of elemental image set and extraction of lens lattice by projective image transformation in integral imaging
K Hong, J Hong, JH Jung, JH Park, B Lee
Optics express 18 (11), 12002-12016, 2010
Integral imaging system using an electroluminescent film backlight for three-dimensional-two-dimensional convertibility and a curved structure
JH Jung, Y Kim, Y Kim, J Kim, K Hong, B Lee
Applied optics 48 (5), 998-1007, 2009
Depth enhancement of integral imaging by using polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal films and a dual-depth configuration
DQ Pham, N Kim, KC Kwon, JH Jung, K Hong, B Lee, JH Park
Optics letters 35 (18), 3135-3137, 2010
See-through integral imaging display using a resolution and fill factor-enhanced lens-array holographic optical element
C Jang, K Hong, J Yeom, B Lee
Optics Express 22 (23), 27958-27967, 2014
Acceleration method for computer generated spherical hologram calculation of real objects using graphics processing unit
G Li, K Hong, J Yeom, N Chen, JH Park, N Kim, B Lee
Chinese Optics Letters 12 (6), 060016, 2014
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Articles 1–20