Juan David Cruz-Gómez
Juan David Cruz-Gómez
CTO at United Motion Ideas
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Cited by
Cited by
Clustering attributed graphs: models, measures and methods
C Bothorel, JD Cruz, M Magnani, B Micenkova
Network Science 3 (3), 408-444, 2015
Entropy based community detection in augmented social networks
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
2011 International Conference on computational aspects of social networks …, 2011
Community detection and visualization in social networks: integrating structural and semantic information
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 5 (1), 11, 2013
Community detection and visualization in social networks: integrating structural and semantic information
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 5 (1), 11, 2013
Semantic Clustering of Social Networks using Points of View.
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
CORIA, 175-182, 2011
Semantic Clustering of Social Networks using Points of View.
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
CORIA, 175-182, 2011
Semantic Clustering of Social Networks using Points of View.
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
CORIA, 175-182, 2011
Integrating heterogeneous information within a social network for detecting communities
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
MRCC: A multi-resolution cooperative control agent architecture
E Gonzalez, A Perez, J Cruz, C Bustacara
Intelligent Agent Technology, 2007. IAT'07. IEEE/WIC/ACM International …, 2007
Information integration for detecting communities in attributed graphs
JD Cruz, C Bothorel
2013 Fifth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social …, 2013
Information integration for detecting communities in attributed graphs
JD Cruz, C Bothorel
Détection et visualisation des communautés dans les réseaux sociaux
JD CRUZ, C Bothorel, F Poulet
Revue d'intelligence artificielle 26 (4), 369-392, 2012
Point of View Based Clustering of Socio-Semantic Network.
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
EGC, 309-310, 2011
Layout algorithm for clustered graphs to analyze community interactions in social networks
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advances in Social …, 2012
Layout algorithm for clustered graphs to analyze community interactions in social networks
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advances in Social …, 2012
Analyse intégrée des réseaux sociaux pour la détection et la visualisation de communautés.
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
Technique et Science Informatiques 33 (4), 399-427, 2014
Analyse intégrée des réseaux sociaux pour la détection et la visualisation de communautés.
JD Cruz, C Bothorel, F Poulet
Technique et Science Informatiques 33 (4), 399-427, 2014
Détection et visualisation des communautés dans les réseaux sociaux augmentés
JDC Gomez, C Bothorel, F Poulet
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série RIA: Revue d …, 2012
Information integration for detecting communities in attributed graphs
JDC Gomez, C Bothorel
Integrating heterogeneous information within a social network for detecting communities
JDC GOMEZ, C Bothorel, F Poulet
ASONAM 2013: the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2013
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Articles 1–20