Heinz Pitsch
Heinz Pitsch
RWTH Aachen University, Stanford University, UC San Diego
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Large-eddy simulation of turbulent combustion
H Pitsch
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 38 (1), 453-482, 2006
An efficient error-propagation-based reduction method for large chemical kinetic mechanisms
P Pepiot-Desjardins, H Pitsch
Combustion and Flame 154 (1-2), 67-81, 2008
High order conservative finite difference scheme for variable density low Mach number turbulent flows
O Desjardins, G Blanquart, G Balarac, H Pitsch
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (15), 7125-7159, 2008
Large-eddy simulation of a turbulent piloted methane/air diffusion flame (Sandia flame D)
H Pitsch, H Steiner
Physics of fluids 12 (10), 2541-2554, 2000
Chemical mechanism for high temperature combustion of engine relevant fuels with emphasis on soot precursors
G Blanquart, P Pepiot-Desjardins, H Pitsch
Combustion and Flame 156 (3), 588-607, 2009
An accurate conservative level set/ghost fluid method for simulating turbulent atomization
O Desjardins, V Moureau, H Pitsch
Journal of computational physics 227 (18), 8395-8416, 2008
A consistent flamelet formulation for non-premixed combustion considering differential diffusion effects
H Pitsch, N Peters
Combustion and flame 114 (1-2), 26-40, 1998
Unsteady flamelet modeling of turbulent hydrogen-air diffusion flames
H Pitsch, M Chen, N Peters
Symposium (international) on combustion 27 (1), 1057-1064, 1998
Extinction and autoignition of n-heptane in counterflow configuration
R Seiser, H Pitsch, K Seshadri, WJ Pitz, HJ Gurran
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (2), 2029-2037, 2000
Development of an experimental database and chemical kinetic models for surrogate gasoline fuels
WJ Pitz, NP Cernansky, FL Dryer, FN Egolfopoulos, JT Farrell, DG Friend, ...
SAE Transactions, 195-216, 2007
Development of an experimental database and kinetic models for surrogate diesel fuels
JT Farrell, NP Cernansky, FL Dryer, CK Law, DG Friend, CA Hergart, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2007
Laminar burning velocities at high pressure for primary reference fuels and gasoline: Experimental and numerical investigation
S Jerzembeck, N Peters, P Pepiot-Desjardins, H Pitsch
Combustion and flame 156 (2), 292-301, 2009
Large-eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion using a level-set approach
H Pitsch, LD De Lageneste
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (2), 2001-2008, 2002
Three-Dimensional Modeling of NO x and Soot Formation in DI-Diesel Engines Using Detailed Chemistry Based on the Interactive Flamelet Approach
H Pitsch, H Barths, N Peters
SAE transactions, 2010-2024, 1996
A consistent chemical mechanism for oxidation of substituted aromatic species
K Narayanaswamy, G Blanquart, H Pitsch
Combustion and Flame 157 (10), 1879-1898, 2010
Development of an experimental database and kinetic models for surrogate jet fuels
T Edwards, M Colket, N Cernansky, F Dryer, F Egolfopoulos, D Friend, ...
45th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 770, 2007
Modeling of radiation and nitric oxide formation in turbulent nonpremixed flames using a flamelet/progress variable formulation
M Ihme, H Pitsch
Physics of Fluids 20 (5), 2008
Effects of strain rate on high-pressure nonpremixed n-heptane autoignition in counterflow
S Liu, JC Hewson, JH Chen, H Pitsch
Combustion and flame 137 (3), 320-339, 2004
Optimized chemical mechanism for combustion of gasoline surrogate fuels
L Cai, H Pitsch
Combustion and flame 162 (5), 1623-1637, 2015
Structural group analysis for soot reduction tendency of oxygenated fuels
P Pepiot-Desjardins, H Pitsch, R Malhotra, SR Kirby, AL Boehman
Combustion and Flame 154 (1-2), 191-205, 2008
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Articles 1–20