Liagouras George
Liagouras George
Professor of Institutional Economics, University of the Aegean, Greece
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Exploring mismatches between higher education and the labour market in Greece
G Liagouras, A Protogerou, Y Caloghirou
European Journal of Education 38 (4), 413-426, 2003
What can we learn from the failures of technology and innovation policies in the European periphery?
G Liagouras
European urban and regional studies 17 (3), 331-349, 2010
The political economy of post-industrial capitalism
G Liagouras
Thesis Eleven 81 (1), 20-35, 2005
Socio-economic evolution and Darwinism in Thorstein Veblen: a critical appraisal
G Liagouras
Cambridge Journal of Economics 33 (6), 1047-1064, 2009
The challenge of Evo-Devo: Implications for evolutionary economists
G Liagouras
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 27, 795-823, 2017
On the social origins of economic divergence: familism, business and state in Greece
G Liagouras
West European Politics 42 (5), 1115-1139, 2019
Lost in Translation: Why G eneralized D arwinism is a Misleading Strategy for Studying Socioeconomic Evolution
G Liagouras
American Journal of Economics and Sociology 72 (5), 1255-1286, 2013
From heterodox political economy to Generalized Darwinism: Geoffrey Hodgson’s tensions in retrospect
G Liagouras
Review of Radical Political Economics 48 (3), 467-484, 2016
Evolutionnisme et economie des conventions. Sur les lilmites symetriques de deux heterodoxies actuelles
G Liagouras
Économies et sociétés 34 (1), 183-206, 2000
The long road from technology to development: Impasses and challenges of technology policy in intermediate countries
G Liagouras, S Zambarloukou, N Constantelou
Mimeo presented at the DRUID Summer Conference on Industrial Dynamics …, 2004
Economic Growth, Happiness and Socialism: Durkheim’s Critique of Economic Reason and Beyond
G Liagouras
New Political Economy 24 (5), 659-677, 2019
Almost everything you would like to know about technology and growth and you will never be told by neo-schumpeterians
G Liagouras, W Eisner, G Hanappi
Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals: Regulation, Welfare …, 2008
Economics and sociology in the transition from industrial to post-industrial capitalism
G Liagouras
Economics and the social sciences: boundaries, interaction and integration …, 2007
La théorie de la régulation face à l'émergence d'un capitalisme postindustriel
G Liagouras
La lettre de la régulation, 1-3, 1997
Beyond corporate financialization: From global value chains to the conundrum of intangible investments
G Liagouras
Competition & Change 27 (5), 685-706, 2023
Population thinking vs. essentialism in biology and evolutionary economics
G Liagouras
Theory and Method of Evolutionary Political Economy: A Cyprus Symposium, 36, 2017
Liagouras, G., 2004. Flexibilité du travail parasubordonné et rigidité des statistiques officielles. Le cas de la Grèce
G Liagouras
ECONOMIES ET SOCIETES 38 (1), 113-146, 2004
Fondements de la dynamique industrielle et historicité: une relecture critique de A. Young, E. Penrose et G. Richardson
G Liagouras
Économie appliquée 52 (3), 41-63, 1999
On the Edge of the South European Model: Familism, Business and State in Greece
G Liagouras
OSF Preprints, 2019
Dynamique industrielle et temps historique: reponse a Jacques De Bandt
G Liagouras
Economie Appliquee 53 (3), 181, 2000
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