Wesley C. Smith, PhD
Wesley C. Smith, PhD
KIST - Brain Science Institute / Korea Univ. School of Medicine (Formerly Amgen)
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Cited by
Rich-club organization in effective connectivity among cortical neurons
S Nigam, M Shimono, S Ito, FC Yeh, N Timme, M Myroshnychenko, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (3), 670-684, 2016
Optogenetic fMRI reveals distinct, frequency-dependent networks recruited by dorsal and intermediate hippocampus stimulations
AJ Weitz, Z Fang, HJ Lee, RS Fisher, WC Smith, MK Choy, J Liu, P Lin, ...
Neuroimage 107, 229-241, 2015
Physiological, anatomical, and behavioral changes after acoustic trauma in Drosophila melanogaster
KW Christie, E Sivan-Loukianova, WC Smith, BT Aldrich, MA Schon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (38), 15449-15454, 2013
Frontostriatal circuit dynamics correlate with cocaine cue-evoked behavioral arousal during early abstinence
WC Smith, MH Rosenberg, LD Claar, V Chang, SN Shah, WM Walwyn, ...
Eneuro 3 (3), 2016
KDS2010, a reversible MAO‐B inhibitor, extends the lifetime of neural probes by preventing glial scar formation
U Chae, H Chun, J Lim, H Shin, WC Smith, JW Choi, KD Park, CJ Lee, ...
Glia 72 (4), 748-758, 2024
Investigation of neural functional connectivity in thick acute mouse brain slices with novel multi-region 3D neural probe arrays
WC Smith, Z Naumkina, HG Shin, UK Chae, SH Lee, JH Park, YD Cho, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 18.576320, 2024
In vivo Quantification of Neural Criticality and Complexity in Mouse Cortex and Striatum in a Model of Cocaine Abstinence
WC Smith
BiorXiv, 2022
Interindividual variation in frontostriatal circuit dynamics correlates to degree of neural criticality and predicts cocaine cue-evoked behavioral arousal during early abstinence
WC Smith
University of California, Los Angeles, 2018
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Articles 1–8