Daniel Paul Jenkins
Daniel Paul Jenkins
Sociotechnic Ltd
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Cited by
Human factors methods: a practical guide for engineering and design
N Stanton
Ashgate Publishing, 2005
A review of sociotechnical systems theory: a classic concept for new command and control paradigms
GH Walker, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 9 (6), 479-499, 2008
What really is going on? Review of situation awareness models for individuals and teams
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, C Baber, DP Jenkins, R McMaster, ...
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 9 (4), 297-323, 2008
Measuring Situation Awareness in complex systems: Comparison of measures study
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, D Jenkins, D Ladva, L Rafferty, ...
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39 (3), 490-500, 2009
Distributed situation awareness: Theory, measurement and application to teamwork
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker
Ashgate Publishing, 2009
Distributed situation awareness
PM Salmon, A Neville
Theory, Measurement and Application to Teamwork. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009
Cognitive work analysis: coping with complexity
DP Jenkins, PM Salmon
Ashgate Pub Co, 2009
Is situation awareness all in the mind?
NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, DP Jenkins
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11 (1-2), 29-40, 2010
Micro wind turbines in the UK domestic sector
AD Peacock, D Jenkins, M Ahadzi, A Berry, S Turan
Energy and buildings 40 (7), 1324-1333, 2008
Coordination during multi‐agency emergency response: issues and solutions
P Salmon, N Stanton, D Jenkins, G Walker
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 20 (2), 140-158, 2011
‘Remixing Rasmussen’: the evolution of Accimaps within systemic accident analysis
P Waterson, DP Jenkins, PM Salmon, P Underwood
Applied ergonomics 59, 483-503, 2017
Investigating the potential of overheating in UK dwellings as a consequence of extant climate change
AD Peacock, DP Jenkins, D Kane
Energy policy 38 (7), 3277-3288, 2010
Conflicts of interest: the implications of roadside advertising for driver attention
MS Young, JM Mahfoud, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins, GH Walker
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 12 (5), 381-388, 2009
Does advanced driver training improve situational awareness?
GH Walker, NA Stanton, TA Kazi, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins
Applied Ergonomics 40 (4), 678-687, 2009
Representing situation awareness in collaborative systems: A case study in the energy distribution domain
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, D Jenkins, C Baber, R McMaster
Ergonomics 51 (3), 367-384, 2008
Genotype and phenotype schemata and their role in distributed situation awareness in collaborative systems
NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, D Jenkins
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 10 (1), 43-68, 2009
Translating concepts of complexity to the field of ergonomics
GH Walker, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins, L Rafferty
Ergonomics 53 (10), 1175-1186, 2010
Using cognitive work analysis to explore activity allocation within military domains
DP Jenkins, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, MS Young
Ergonomics 51 (6), 798-815, 2008
Young. MS (2008). Using cognitive work analysis to explore activity allocation within military domains
DP Jenkins, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker
Ergonomics 51 (6), 798-815, 0
From ethnography to the EAST method: A tractable approach for representing distributed cognition in Air Traffic Control
GH Walker, NA Stanton, C Baber, L Wells, H Gibson, P Salmon, D Jenkins
Ergonomics 53 (2), 184-197, 2010
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