Ziad S. Saad
Ziad S. Saad
Senior Director, Neuroscience Biomarkers and Global Imaging, Johnson & Johnson
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Trouble at rest: how correlation patterns and group differences become distorted after global signal regression
ZS Saad, SJ Gotts, K Murphy, G Chen, HJ Jo, A Martin, RW Cox
Brain connectivity 2 (1), 25-32, 2012
Mapping sources of correlation in resting state FMRI, with artifact detection and removal
HJ Jo, ZS Saad, WK Simmons, LA Milbury, RW Cox
Neuroimage 52 (2), 571-582, 2010
A new method for improving functional-to-structural MRI alignment using local Pearson correlation
ZS Saad, DR Glen, G Chen, MS Beauchamp, R Desai, RW Cox
Neuroimage 44 (3), 839-848, 2009
Two distinct forms of functional lateralization in the human brain
SJ Gotts, HJ Jo, GL Wallace, ZS Saad, RW Cox, A Martin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (36), E3435-E3444, 2013
Integrated strategy for improving functional connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI
P Kundu, ND Brenowitz, V Voon, Y Worbe, PE Vértes, SJ Inati, ZS Saad, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (40), 16187-16192, 2013
Linear mixed-effects modeling approach to FMRI group analysis
G Chen, ZS Saad, JC Britton, DS Pine, RW Cox
Neuroimage 73, 176-190, 2013
Tracking ongoing cognition in individuals using brief, whole-brain functional connectivity patterns
J Gonzalez-Castillo, CW Hoy, DA Handwerker, ME Robinson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (28), 8762-8767, 2015
Whole-brain, time-locked activation with simple tasks revealed using massive averaging and model-free analysis
J Gonzalez-Castillo, ZS Saad, DA Handwerker, SJ Inati, N Brenowitz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (14), 5487-5492, 2012
Defining functional SMA and pre-SMA subregions in human MFC using resting state fMRI: functional connectivity-based parcellation method
JH Kim, JM Lee, HJ Jo, SH Kim, JH Lee, ST Kim, SW Seo, RW Cox, ...
Neuroimage 49 (3), 2375-2386, 2010
Effective preprocessing procedures virtually eliminate distance‐dependent motion artifacts in resting state FMRI
HJ Jo, SJ Gotts, RC Reynolds, PA Bandettini, A Martin, RW Cox, ZS Saad
Journal of applied mathematics 2013 (1), 935154, 2013
Spatial heterogeneity of the nonlinear dynamics in the FMRI BOLD response
RM Birn, ZS Saad, PA Bandettini
Neuroimage 14 (4), 817-826, 2001
The perils of global signal regression for group comparisons: a case study of Autism Spectrum Disorders
SJ Gotts, ZS Saad, HJ Jo, GL Wallace, RW Cox, A Martin
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 356, 2013
SUMA: an interface for surface-based intra-and inter-subject analysis with AFNI
ZS Saad, RC Reynolds, B Argall, S Japee, RW Cox
2004 2nd IEEE international symposium on biomedical imaging: Nano to macro …, 2004
Applications of multivariate modeling to neuroimaging group analysis: a comprehensive alternative to univariate general linear model
G Chen, NE Adleman, ZS Saad, E Leibenluft, RW Cox
Neuroimage 99, 571-588, 2014
ZS Saad, RC Reynolds
Neuroimage 62 (2), 768-773, 2012
Simplified intersubject averaging on the cortical surface using SUMA
BD Argall, ZS Saad, MS Beauchamp
Human brain mapping 27 (1), 14-27, 2006
FATCAT:(an efficient) functional and tractographic connectivity analysis toolbox
PA Taylor, ZS Saad
Brain connectivity 3 (5), 523-535, 2013
Analysis and use of FMRI response delays
ZS Saad, KM Ropella, RW Cox, EA DeYoe
Human brain mapping 13 (2), 74-93, 2001
FMRI group analysis combining effect estimates and their variances
G Chen, ZS Saad, AR Nath, MS Beauchamp, RW Cox
Neuroimage 60 (1), 747-765, 2012
Three-dimensional digital template atlas of the macaque brain
C Reveley, A Gruslys, FQ Ye, D Glen, J Samaha, B E. Russ, Z Saad, ...
Cerebral cortex 27 (9), 4463-4477, 2017
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Articles 1–20