Odysseas Sekkas
Odysseas Sekkas
Head of Technical Project Management, Neuropublic S.A.
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Cited by
Multisensor data fusion for fire detection
E Zervas, A Mpimpoudis, C Anagnostopoulos, O Sekkas, ...
Information Fusion 12 (3), 150-159, 2011
Sensation: A middleware integration platform for pervasive applications in wireless sensor networks
T Hasiotis, G Alyfantis, V Tsetsos, O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades
Proceeedings of the Second European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks …, 2005
Commercial wireless sensor networks: technical and business issues
V Tsetsos, G Alyfantis, T Hasiotis, O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades
Second Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services …, 2005
Modeling biogas production from anaerobic wastewater treatment plants using radial basis function networks and differential evolution
D Karamichailidou, A Alexandridis, G Anagnostopoulos, G Syriopoulos, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 157, 107629, 2022
Fire detection in the urban rural interface through fusion techniques
E Zervas, O Sekkas, S Hadjieftymiades, C Anagnostopoulos
2007 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 1-6, 2007
Integrating a trust framework with a distributed certificate validation scheme for manets
GF Marias, K Papapanagiotou, V Tsetsos, O Sekkas, P Georgiadis
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2006, 1-18, 2006
MNISIKLIS: Indoor location based services for all
V Papataxiarhis, V Riga, V Nomikos, O Sekkas, K Kolomvatsos, V Tsetsos, ...
Location Based Services and TeleCartography II: From Sensor Fusion to …, 2009
Performance evaluation of a self-evolving trust building framework
GF Marias, V Tsetsos, O Sekkas, P Georgiadis
Workshop of the 1st International Conference on Security and Privacy for …, 2005
A multi-level data fusion approach for early fire detection
O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades, E Zervas
2010 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative …, 2010
Context fusion: dealing with sensor reliability
C Anagnostopoulos, O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades
2007 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 1-6, 2007
Probabilistic information dissemination for MANETs: the IPAC approach
O Sekkas, D Piguet, C Anagnostopoulos, D Kotsakos, G Alyfantis, ...
The Internet of Things: 20 th Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications …, 2010
Context fusion through imprecise reasoning
O Sekkas, CB Anagnostopoulos, S Hadjiefthymiades
IEEE international conference on pervasive services, 88-91, 2007
A forest fire detection system: The Meleager approach
V Tsetsos, O Sekkas, G Tsoublekas, S Hadjieythymiades, E Zervas
2012 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 320-326, 2012
An adaptive epidemic information dissemination model for wireless sensor networks
C Anagnostopoulos, O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 8 (5), 751-763, 2012
A multi-antenna approach for UAV's attitude determination
A Consoli, J Ayadi, G Bianchi, S Pluchino, F Piazza, R Baddour, ME Parés, ...
2015 IEEE Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 401-405, 2015
Enhancing location estimation through data fusion
O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades, E Zervas
2006 IEEE 17th international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio …, 2006
Towards Commercial Wireless Sensor Networks: Business and Technology Architecture.
V Tsetsos, G Alyfantis, T Hasiotis, O Sekkas, S Hadjiefthymiades
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks 2 (1), 59-80, 2006
Sensor and Computing Infrastructure for Environmental Risks: The SCIER System
O Sekkas, DV Manatakis, ES Manolakos, S Hadjiefthymiades
Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative …, 2010
A scheduling framework for enterprise services
V Tsetsos, O Sekkas, I Priggouris, S Hadjiefthymiades
Journal of Systems and Software 79 (2), 259-272, 2006
A redundant GNSS-INS low-cost UAV navigation solution for professional applications
J Navarro, ME Parés, I Colomina, G Bianchi, S Pluchino, R Baddour, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
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Articles 1–20