Juan F. Navas
Juan F. Navas
Complutense University of Madrid. Department of Personality, Assessment and Clinical Psychology
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Cited by
Delay discounting and impulsivity traits in young and older gambling disorder patients
T Steward, G Mestre-Bach, F Fernández-Aranda, R Granero, JC Perales, ...
Addictive Behaviors 71, 96-103, 2017
Learning to lose control: A process-based account of behavioral addiction
JC Perales, DL King, JF Navas, A Schimmenti, G Sescousse, V Starcevic, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2020
Trait and neurobiological underpinnings of negative emotion regulation in gambling disorder
JF Navas, O Contreras‐Rodríguez, J Verdejo‐Román, ...
Addiction 112 (6), 1086-1094, 2017
Gambling with rose-tinted glasses on: Use of emotion-regulation strategies correlates with dysfunctional cognitions in gambling disorder patients
JF Navas, A Verdejo-García, M LÓpez-GÓmez, A Maldonado, JC Perales
Journal of Behavioral Addictions 5 (2), 271-281, 2016
Brain reward system's alterations in response to food and monetary stimuli in overweight and obese individuals
J Verdejo‐Román, R Vilar‐López, JF Navas, C Soriano‐Mas, ...
Human Brain Mapping 38 (2), 666-677, 2017
Impulsivity traits and gambling cognitions associated with gambling preferences and clinical status
JF Navas, J Billieux, A Perándres-Gómez, F Torrecillas-López, A Cándido, ...
International Gambling Studies, in press, 2017
Reconsidering the roots, structure, and implications of gambling motives: An integrative approach
JR Barrada, JF Navas, CM Ruiz de Lara, J Billieux, G Devos, JC Perales
PLoS One 14 (2), e0212695, 2019
The role of affect-driven impulsivity in gambling cognitions: A convenience-sample study with a Spanish version of the Gambling-Related Cognitions Scale
F Del Prete, T Steward, JF Navas, F Fernández-Aranda, ...
Journal of Behavioral Addictions 6 (1), 51-63, 2017
Sex differences in the association between impulsivity and driving under the influence of alcohol in young adults: The specific role of sensation seeking
JF Navas, C Martín-Pérez, D Petrova, A Verdejo-García, M Cano, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 124, 174-179, 2019
The paradoxical relationship between emotion regulation and gambling-related cognitive biases
CM Ruiz de Lara, JF Navas, JC Perales
PLoS One 14 (8), e0220668, 2019
The quality of research on mental health related to the COVID-19 pandemic: a note of caution after a systematic review
I Nieto, JF Navas, C Vázquez
Brain, behavior, & immunity-health 7, 100123, 2020
¿’Nada’o ‘un poco’?¿’Mucho’o ‘demasiado’? La impulsividad como marcador de gravedad en niveles problemático y no problemático de uso de alcohol e Internet
JF Navas, A Torres, A Cándido, JC Perales
Adicciones 26 (2), 146-158, 2014
Neurocognitive components of gambling disorder: Implications for assessment, treatment and policy
JF Navas, J Billieux, A Verdejo-García, JC Perales
Harm Reduction for Gambling, 54-67, 2019
Neural mechanisms underlying urgent and evaluative behaviors: An fMRI study on the interaction of automatic and controlled processes
A Megías, JF Navas, D Petrova, A Cándido, A Maldonado, ...
Human Brain Mapping 36 (8), 2853-2864, 2015
Emotional and non‐emotional facets of impulsivity in eating disorders: From anorexia nervosa to bulimic spectrum disorders
N Mallorquí‐Bagué, G Testa, M Lozano‐Madrid, C Vintró‐Alcaraz, ...
European Eating Disorders Review 28 (4), 410-422, 2020
Types of emotion regulation and their associations with gambling: A cross-sectional study with disordered and non-problem Ecuadorian gamblers
MF Jara-Rizzo, JF Navas, A Catena, JC Perales
Journal of Gambling Studies 35, 997-1013, 2019
Phenotypes in gambling disorder using sociodemographic and clinical clustering analysis: An unidentified new subtype?
S Jiménez-Murcia, R Granero, F Fernández-Aranda, R Stinchfield, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 173, 2019
Effect of a brief intervention for alcohol and illicit drug use on trauma recidivism in a cohort of trauma patients
S Cordovilla-Guardia, E Fernandez-Mondejar, R Vilar-Lopez, JF Navas, ...
PLoS One 12 (8), e0182441, 2017
Reward and punishment sensitivity in women with gambling disorder or compulsive buying: Implications in treatment outcome
G Mestre-Bach, R Granero, T Steward, F Fernández-Aranda, M Baño, ...
Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2016
Electroencephalographic evidence of abnormal anticipatory uncertainty processing in gambling disorder patients
A Megías, JF Navas, A Perandrés-Gómez, A Maldonado, A Catena, ...
Journal of Gambling Studies 34, 321-338, 2018
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Articles 1–20